You've Become What I Hate, Sold Yourself For A Bit Of Fame: Chapter Twenty-Two

Aug 20, 2012 17:08

Summary: Alex has just moved for the last of many times to Dulaney High school. He has decided that this is the year and school that he will try and become "popular" but if that happened would it be a bad thing? And will finding a new friend, that may think of him as more, also affect it?....
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone, sadly. Title goes to Bite My Tongue-You Me At Six, Cut goes to All I Wanted-Paramore
A/N: At the End


Chapter Twenty-Two

Jack stretched his arms above his head and slowly opened his eyes. He yawned at looked at the clock, it wasn't too early, half past eleven.

He put his hand to his head to dry and help stop the pounding that was going on. It felt like there was some crazy German sex rave going on in there or something. He yawned again, stood up, and stretched again.

He then slowly wandered up the stairs in his basement bedroom and into the kitchen. He instantly started to smile when he got there. Standing there making her usual cup of coffee was his mom. It was Saturday, one of the only days when she didn't have to work and he loved seeing her here.

“Hey, mom,” He said with a smile, his voice cracking from sleep.

The older woman turned around, returning the smile, “Hey, kiddo!”

Jack laughed, he'd missed her. He walked over and hugged her tightly and she reciprocated.

“I missed you.” The dark haired boy practically whispered. His mom had always been the one to comfort him and when she was constantly working he never got to see her.

His mother smiled as her son pulled away, “I missed you too. I was wondering if you'd like to do something today, maybe go out and get some lunch at that restaurant around the corner? You can tell me all about what's going on in your life.”

Jack smiled again. They always did this when she was off work, go to the same restaurant around the corner and the Lebanese boy shared all of the going-ons in his life. Jack loved it, it felt good to share what was happening with his mother as she always had some form of advice for her son.

“Sounds good, mom. I think I'm gonna go back to bed for a while though before, I have a massive headache.”

The older woman went back to her coffee, “Okay. Do you want me to do anything?”

Jack shook his head as he opened the fridge, “Nah, that's all right. Can you just give me something for it?”

His mom smiled again, “Of course.”

She went to go get a tablet for her son's headache and came back quickly, that was one of the good things about having a mom as a nurse, she always knew exactly what to give Jack to make him feel better.

He grabbed the headache tablets that his mom gave and him and the glass of orange juice he'd poured for himself and wandered back down to his bedroom, thanking his mother on the way.

When he got back to his room he swiftly swallowed the tablets and drank half of his orange juice then laid back down on his bed.
He smiled as he thought of the previous night. He and Alex. He smiled even bigger. He decided that he'd think about that whole thing in a minute, instead choosing to think of the events after that. He'd stumbled out of the bedroom in a happy haze and grabbed the nearest drink he could find.

After a while of drinking on his own happily and pissing off a bunch of girls by saying how stupid they were that they didn't have dicks Josh had showed up saying that he was back and saying that he needed to take Jack home now.

Of course, the Lebanese boy had pouted and refused but then Josh had just grabbed him and pretty much dragged him to the car, Jack tried to pull away but he was too drunk to do anything productive and Josh was pretty much completely sober, he was the designated driver.

He vaguely remembered Matt being in the car as well and then Josh practically carrying Jack down to his bedroom. The Lebanese boy knew he'd have to thank the English boy for that one.

Now back to Alex. Jack couldn't help but smile again. He and Alex had made out. It was perfect. Okay, so maybe it had been some random drunk make out session at a party. But still. Jack would take it because he had been kissing Alex.

He thought about what led up to it, the blonde pushing him into that room, Alex whining about not wanting to leave the room, Jack asking him about his bruises, the blonde finally kissing Jack-

Wait. Jack suddenly sat up, his eyes wide at the sudden realisation. He gasped and grabbed his head, his headache flaring up again.

Had Alex only kissed him as a distraction from the questions Jack were asking? To keep the Lebanese boy from finding out that Kellin was abusing him. But that couldn't be it. When Jack had asked about the blonde's relationship he had genuinely laughed and told Jack that he and Kellin were fine.

So maybe it was a real kiss? Or at least, as real as two drunken horny teenagers at a high school party kiss.

Ugh. Jack was just confused. He couldn't think about this right now, too many feelings flared up and his intense hangover wasn't helping in the slightest. He just wishing that he and Alex could go back to when their relationship wasn't confusing in anyway.


One time Jack had been sick. Like, fever, cold, all that shit. It sucked. It was a Wednesday and his mom couldn't really stay home, although, because she loved her son so much, and her job was to help cure sick people, she offered. Jack immediately shook it off, knowing that she couldn't actually stay home because the hospital needed her more than he did.

She smiled and her son and then left him the essentials, medicine, juice, tissues before leaving for work. Jack had been lying in bed at about 830 in the morning, with a random cd playing and staring at the ceiling when he had got a text message.

He didn't want to get it because he really did feel like shit and he couldn't be bothered to grab his mobile from the floor. After about thirty seconds after Jack decided against picking it up he got another text. This kept repeating until he finally got sick of the text message ring tone. Just as he was about to pick up the phone and just answer the god damn thing, it started ringing to signal an actual call.

The dark haired boy grumbled, and actually picked it up this time. He was annoyed, tired, and sick so he didn't bother checking who it was, and the second he picked up the phone he yelled, “What?!”

He heard an annoyed voice answer back, “Finally, Jacky! God dammit. Is this how you treat your best friend?”

The younger boy rolled his eyes, he should have known it was Alex, he took a deep breath, his anger and annoyance instantly slipping away. “Sorry, Lex. What is so important that you have to text me every thirty fucking seconds?”

There was a slight pause and when Alex next spoke Jack could just picture the look of indignation on the other boys face, “I'm sorry that I missed my best friend. I usually see him about now. He usually picks me up and then we get food? Ring any bells?”

The sick boy closed his eyes. Shit. He'd forgotten to call Alex. “Oh, shit, sorry, Lex. I totally forgot to call you. I'm not going in today, I'm sick. I'm really sorry.” He felt so guilty.

Alex's reply was frantic and worrying, “What? You're sick? Are you okay? Jack, you have to tell me these things! Is it bad? Are you getting enough Vitamin C?”

The Lebanese boy laughed, “Lex, chill. I'm fine, just a bit of a fever, you know. I'll be fine tomorrow. Don't worry, I'll be there to pick you up.”

He didn't hear a reply, “Lex? Lexy? Alex!” He huffed in annoyance and then hung up. He chucked his phone across the room and flopped back down onto his bed.

About twenty minutes later he heard his bedroom door open, he thought it was his mom so he didn't move from where he was, lying on his back with his arms crossed over his eyes. The whole mom theory went out the window though when he heard a familiar giggle and someone sat on his lap.

He slowly removed his arms from his face, “What are you doing here?” He said with a confused smile.

“Seriously Jack, are you never happy to see me?” The blonde said with a pout.

The younger boy laughed, “You know I put up with you,” He winked to show he was joking, “But seriously, why are you here? You should be at school.”

Alex climbed off of Jack and stood next to his bed smiling down at his best friend, “Yeah, well, technically, so should you. Anyway, I'm here to take care of you. Anything you need, I'm here!”

The Lebanese boy smiled.

The two boys spent the rest of the day doing nothing, which was only to be expected from Jack being sick. Alex stuck to his promise and got the younger boy everything that he wanted, and little things that he didn't even ask for. They basically just watched movies and talked all day, but it was one of Jack's favourite memories with the other boy. That had been an Alex and Jack day, and it was just so perfect. The dark haired boy just wanted all of his days to be like that, with Alex.


Jack sighed, thinking of other little memories of he and the blonde. Those were the good ol' days. He smiled at his stupid cliché. Looking at the clock again he saw that he'd been lying in bed for about forty-five minutes and he was actually really hungry.

He got out of bed to put his clothes on and then walked upstairs to have lunch with his mom. Already a bit happier that he could be with at least one of the people that he loved.


A/N: So this is pretty much a filler, and the next one will most likely be a filler as well. But that's only because I don't want to rush the story, there is some intense drama coming up though, don't worry! Thanks for reading! Oh, and I really couldn't be bothered to read this over so please excuse any little mistakes that seem pathetically imbecilic.

jack barakat, josh franceschi, all time low, jack barakat/alex gaskarth, alex gaskarth

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