You've Become What I Hate, Sold Yourself For A Bit Of Fame: Chapter Forty-Six

Nov 01, 2012 15:38

Summary: Alex has just moved for the last of many times to Dulaney High school. He has decided that this is the year and school that he will try and become "popular" but if that happened would it be a bad thing? And will finding a new friend, that may think of him as more, also affect it?....
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone, sadly. Title goes to Bite My Tongue-You Me At Six, Cut goes to If I'm James Dean, You're Audrey Hepburn-Sleeping With Sirens
A/N: At the End


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Chapter Forty-Six

Jack followed Alex, taking out his cell phone and texting Josh on the way telling him that he could leave without him.

When the two boys walked back into the venue, they heard the sound of Tom saying, “This is our last song, so sing along as loud as you can!”.

Jack figured they would stop walking and listen to the last song, but was surprised when Alex started to walk to the side of the stage. He didn't say anything, only stood there as the blonde showed the giant man standing there a backstage pass and then reached back to give him one.

The Lebanese boy's eyes widened, but he still didn't say anything, more because he was too surprised. All of a sudden, they were standing backstage.

He looked over at his companion and opened his mouth to speak, “Wha? We're-what?”

Alex laughed and just replied with a light, “Come on!” He led Jack to a seemingly plain room and knocked. A short friendly looking man, who Jack recognised as Alex's “uncle” opened it and stepped out.

He smiled when he saw Alex, “Hey, Uncle Maxy.” The blonde said fondly.

Max replied with a hello and then looked over at Jack, “It worked then? Are you two cool now?”

Alex blushed, “Well, I don't know, actually. I think so-”

“Yes. We're cool,” Jack said, looking over at Alex.

“Good.” The blonde replied, “Uncle Max, I was wondering. Do you think that I could take Jack to meet the guys?”

Max smiled again and nodded, “Sure, no problem. The show just ended before you knocked. Come on it!”

Jack's eyes widened. Is this what he thought it was? He looked over at Alex who timidly reached for his hand. The younger boy gripped it tightly as he followed the blonde into the room. His jaw dropped as three very familiar faces said, “Jack!” “You got him?” “It worked!”

The blonde just laughed and smiled at the boy holding his hand, now looking faint. Just when Alex was sure that he wouldn't say anything, he whispered into the older boy's ear, “You're definitely forgiven.”


After about two hours of casually hanging out with their favourite band, the two boys decided that it was time to leave. It was about one in the morning and they figured it was about time to start heading home.

On the long drive home, Jack sat in the passenger seat watching Alex. He was so happy that he was back. And even happier that he'd said that he loved him.

He couldn't shake the feeling of all the questions he had. At the moment, they were about the Blink concert and just how the blonde had managed to pull it off. His curiosity finally got the better of him and he decided to ask.


“Mmm?” The older replied, smiling over at Jack.

“I was just wondering, how did you manage to do all that?”

“All what?” He asked, chuckling.

“You know, the whole, 'singing in the middle of a Blink concert' thing.”

“Oh. Well, I knew that Uncle Max works at that venue so when I found out about the concert, I knew that you would go. And it just so happened that it was being held in the right place. I called up Uncle Max and asked him if it would be possible for me to go on stage and sing and he said that it wasn't his concert so he couldn't say yes or no. He told me that he could ask the band and see what they think. The next day he called back and said that Blink wanted to meet me. They hadn't said yes or no yet, but of course I agreed.

I came down early today so I could meet them. It was so nerve racking, Jack. I almost told Max that I couldn’t do it. But, I, um...I just kept thinking of you, and then I just kinda knew that I could do it, you know?”

He blushed and faced out the wind shield, cleared his throat and then continued, “So, I got to the venue and stuff, met Max and he took me to that same room that we hung out with them in earlier. They were just kinda sitting around and I sat down in front of them and waited for them to speak. It was kind of like waiting for a prison sentence or something, even though in reality it probably wasn't that bad.”


The blonde sat on the couch squirming uncomfortably and wringing his hands together. His leg was shaking and the more that he tried to stop it, the more it shook.

He sat looking at the three people lounging on the couch opposite him and tried not to stare. Finally, Mark spoke, “So, Alex.”

The nervous boy nodded shakily, as he continued to speak, “Why do you want to do this so badly? Max told us that this was something that you absolutely, needed to do. You wanna explain?”

Alex swallowed and nodded again, mentally telling himself to stop before he looked like one of those dogs that sit in the backs of peoples' cars. He cleared his throat and began to speak, completely relieved that his voice came out sounded a lot stronger than he thought it would.

“See, I have this friend Jack. Or, rather, I had this friend Jack....” He surprised himself when he realised that he was calmly telling people that he'd had posters of all over his walls for years the whole story of him and Jack and how he had been a total dick to the Lebanese boy.

As he continued to speak, he felt his nerves going away. The band were watching him carefully, nodded along and listening to every word.

“And so you see, I realise that Jack is...Jack is perfect. He's my other half, soul mate, whatever you want to call it. And I can't live without him. But, I didn't realise until it was too late and now he won't speak to me. And I haven't even gotten the chance to tell him that I love him.”

There was silence in the backstage room for a few moments as the band took in Alex's words. The trio looked at each other and then surprisingly, Travis spoke up with a small smile.

“You go on after I Miss You.”

At this, Alex's eyes widened.

The blonde couldn't believe it had worked. He was shaking, he was in such shock.

He couldn't stop spitting out surprised, “Thank you! Thank you so much. You have no idea what this means to me!”


“And well, I'm pretty sure you know the rest.”

Jack just sat there and stared at Alex in awe. He couldn't believe that anyone would do such a thing for him.

The blonde, confused at Jack's silence, turned to looked at him. The Lebanese boy just quietly said, “I love you.”

Alex smiled and returned the words.

He then took a turning and began the next part of his plan. This was the part that he hadn't told anyone about. He had thought about it just before he'd left for the venue and decided that it was perfect.

He looked up and saw that the moon was full and with the rain having stopped a while earlier everything looked clear and refreshed.

Jack soon noticed that they weren't on the way back to either of their houses. “Lex. Where are we-oh.”

The blonde smiled and parked the car. They were at the field that Jack had taken him to long ago. Alex had brought an old mattress, blankets, and pillows and he was glad that they were finally there, because he was really tired. But he didn't feel like sleeping in his own bed. He was sick of sleeping alone.

“Can you help me get the stuff from the back?”

Jack smiled and nodded before opening his door and getting out. Alex did the same and met him at the back of the vehicle.

Jack grabbed the mattress and Alex the pillows and blankets, like the last time they had been there together.

The Lebanese boy had taken over and marched to the spot in the middle that they had been in last time. The blonde smiled in total happiness and followed him.

Silently, their smiles and faces saying all that needed to be said they set up a makeshift bed in the middle of the field, again like the last time. They both lay down and Alex found himself with his arms around Jack.

He sighed, content. Everything was perfect. He looked up at the beautiful night sky, he noticed that it looked even better than the first time he'd been there, but found that he'd rather be looking at Jack.

The blonde smiled as he looked at him, breaking the calm silence, “You know. I haven't been back here since that time when you brought me.”

Jack smiled slightly, “Really?”

Alex nodded, then the Lebanese boy said, “I have. Whenever I felt lonely or was missing you, I just came back here for a little bit and thought about things.”

“Really?” This time, Alex asked and Jack nodded, “That night that I brought you here, I lied. I told you that I didn't really have a reason for being here or something like that, but, uhm.” He blushed, “That night I couldn't sleep because that's the night I realised that I loved you. And I just kinda, wanted to be around you.” He buried his face in Alex's neck, embarrassed at admitting so much.

The English boy just beamed. He moved his head so that he was face to face with Jack and whispered, “I love you, Jacky.”

The other boy knew that he'd never ever get tired of hearing those words from Alex's mouth. “I love you too, Lexy.” He replied.

They kissed and when they broke apart Jack said, “ 'If you're a bird, I'm a bird.' ”

The blonde looked confused, “Sorry?”

“I said, 'If you're a bird, I'm a-' never mind. It's just something I heard in a film once, I didn't get it either, but I figured it might fit the situation. It didn't.”

Alex just chuckled and kissed Jack on the nose before cuddling up to him. They fell asleep in each others arms with smiles on their faces.

The perfect couple, together at last.


A/N: Welp. That's the end. I'm kind of on the verge of tears at the moment. Fucking hell, I've been writing this for almost a year. This was my first fanfic and I'm not sure how it turned out. The ending may seem rushed, or not fit, but I don't really mind at this point.

Thanks for everyone that's read this. Especially the people that have read since I started writing and then continued to read when I came back from my unplanned, three month hiatus. You humans are the best. But anyone that's commented, no matter when you started reading, you are absolutely perfect and I hope you all get to snog the band member of your choosing! I'm not even joking, pretty much every single one of your comments had made me tear up because you're all so lovely. <3 (Yes, I'm emotional right now, I suppose)

Uhmmm, yeah. So, I'll probably be back soon. I've got an idea worked out for a cowrite with an amazing friend of mine, Callum, who's also helped out with bits of this fic, and I'm pretty excited about it so I hope you all like it! I'm not sure when that'll start being posted because we just got the idea bit down so don't forget about us!

And, I'm not sure if I'll write an Epilogue for this, I kind of like it the way it is now...but I mean, if you want one, I could do one of those few-year-later things.

I'll shut up now, because I'm sure that everyone gets annoyed with and doesn't care about my author's notes that are about as long as the fic itself. Thanks again for reading! I love you, again!

*I promise that in my next fic I will try to keep the author's notes to about a sentence minimum!

** Oh and Happy Halloween! :D

jack barakat, jack barakat/alex gaskarth, alex gaskarth

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