You've Become What I Hate, Sold Yourself For A Bit Of Fame: Chapter Thirty-Nine

Oct 10, 2012 15:40

Summary: Alex has just moved for the last of many times to Dulaney High school. He has decided that this is the year and school that he will try and become "popular" but if that happened would it be a bad thing? And will finding a new friend, that may think of him as more, also affect it?....
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone, sadly. Title goes to Bite My Tongue-You Me At Six, Cut goes to Southern Constellations-Pierce The Veil
A/N: At the End


Chapter Thirty-Nine

Alex kicked another stick on the pavement out of the way. He sighed and looked up as he heard music playing. It turned out that his feet had taken him somewhere else that was closely associated with Jack.

He was standing outside of the record shop that he and the younger boy used to go to after school every week. The blonde stood outside the front window and took in the building. He didn't think that he wanted to go inside, it would feel painfully obvious that someone was missing if he did. He was quite content with just standing outside and remembering the good times.

Soon, in the middle of the English boy remembering one of those times including Jack, Jack's giggles, and a very confused old lady, he heard voices. He quickly glanced behind him and saw two people walking towards him from down the street.

His eyes widened as he realised who they were and at the same time realised that he really didn't want to see them. He looked around him frantically before finally jumping into the alleyway right next to the shop.

The two boys had just reached the front of the record shop's door before they stopped. Alex groaned inwardly, 'Why do they have to stop here?'

He stopped having a little pity party in his mind and decided to actually listen to what they were saying.

“And you don't feel even a bit bad for Alex? He is...or was, I don't know, in hospital?”

“Nah, well, I mean, yeah, I feel kinda bad. But it was his fault, he's the idiot that took too much.”

“Yeah, I guess...” Vic replied meekly. “But, he was your boyfriend, shouldn't you...?”

“Look.” Kellin said, placing his hands on either side of the Mexican boy's face. “You're my boyfriend. I care about you. Do you really think that I ever actually cared about Alex? I mean, come on Babe, you're smarter than that! All he ever was to me was a great fuck and a quick way to gain more popularity, he was a pretty face and a waste of my time. Okay? Now, if you were ever in hospital, then yeah, I'd be freaked, but you aren't, so every thing's fine.”

Vic smiled at Kellin before giving him a quick kiss. “All right, Babe, I understand. Now, do we have to go in here? It's full of weird music.”

Kellin rolled his eyes fondly, “Yeah, you're right, I don't know what I was thinking, they won't have the new Nicki Minaj cd! Come on, let's go check somewhere that has real music.”

The American replied, before the two walked off, Kellin's arm around Vic's waist.

When the two boys were out of sight Alex stepped out from his hiding place and stood where they had been standing. He raised an eyebrow and shrugged before turning around and finally going home.


Jack sat on his couch and fidgeted. He repeatedly tried to get lost in the blasting music that was playing but it never happened. He was too preoccupied with Alex.

Why the fuck did he have to come to his door? His speaking to Jack at his locker was bad enough. He decided to call Josh and see if he could take his mind off things.

Twenty minutes later the English boy's car pulled up into his driveway. Jack sighed in relief, turned off the insanely loud stereo and walked to the door to let him in.

He groaned. Instead of it being just Josh, like Jack had expected, it was Josh and Matt. He knew that with Matt being there no serious conversation would take place at all, it would just be talk of sex or curry, or once, a mixture of the two. The Lebanese boy shuddered as he recalled that conversation.

He thought for a moment and decided that that might not actually be a bad thing before opening the door and letting the two boys in. Instantly Matt was launching himself into Jack's arms.

“JACK BARAKAT! IT'S BEEN FOREVER! HOW ARE YOU?” Jack laughed, he couldn't help it, Matt just had so much energy and it was hard not to be cheered up by him.

“Matt Barnes! I saw you in Chemistry today!” The Lebanese boy said through laughter.

“Yes, Jack, but that was like, three whole hours ago!” Matt said, gesturing widely with his arms, finally stepping out of Jack's.

The Lebanese boy, while still chuckling, looked behind the ball of energy and saw Josh behind Matt fondly rolling his eyes.

“All right Jackalope, we've decided that since you've interrupted our Tim Burton Film Marathon that we're moving it here instead. Hope you don't mind!” Josh said walking past Jack and seeming like he didn't care either way whether Jack minded or not.

Lucky for them, Jack loved Tim Burton and he just smiled and followed the two into his living room.

An hour later, in the middle of Edward Scissorhands and a major pizzafest, Matt jumped up and announced, “I HAVE TO PEE. PAUSE THE FILM. QUICK!”

Josh did as he said and then he and Jack just sat there laughing as the third boy tripped over Jack's armchair in an attempt to make it to the toilet as fast as possible.

“I still can't believe he's never seen Edward Scissorhands.” Jack said, “I mean, that's one of the best!”

Josh nodded and agreed with a “Mmm” before then saying, “So, Jack. What was the reason for this random film marathon then?”

Jack scrunched his forehead, “You were the one that brought the films.”

The English boy rolled his eyes and said, “Fine. What was the reason for the random man date then?”

Jack's confused face didn't change, “Are you trying to ask me why I called you over?”

“Yes!” Josh said with a laugh.

“Oh. Well, no reason. I just wanted to get my mind off stuff.”

The blue-eyed boy looked concerned, “Anything I should be worried about?”

Jack grabbed some popcorn and chucked it at his face, “No, no. It's fine! It's not a big deal.”

The aggravated boy that was now trying to get kernels out off his hair opened his mouth to reply when he was interrupted by a very loud Matt coming back in excitedly and yelling, “Did you know that you're soap is shaped like little roses?! That's. So. Cool!”


A few days after the film marathon, Jack listened to Josh's mindless chatter about how perfect he and Hayley were as he idly tried to figure out if he could fit into his locker and hide so he didn't have to take an exam that he hadn't studied for in his next class.

“Oh my god, and then she made this cute little face, and her nose scrunched up. Jack, you should've seen it. It was like-”

“Do you think that I'd fit in my locker if I chucked all my books out of it?”


The Lebanese boy shrugged, “Yeah, you're right, I think my shoulders are too...”

He trailed off as a cough came from the right of them. Josh turned to look at the source curiously as it started to talk. “Ja-”

Jack then reacted in a completely different way than Josh, suddenly slamming his locker shut and walking in the opposite direction of the voice.

Josh raised an eyebrow, stole another glance at Alex and then followed after the other boy.


Alex sighed watching Jack's receding form and then turned to his locker. He was just putting the last number in the lock when one of the popular girls, a scarily skinny, very blonde girl wearing clothes that looked like they'd fit Alex's five-year-old cousin, walked up to him.

She leaned against Jack's locker and the blonde boy couldn't help the thought that instantly wished that it was Jack and not Brittany.

She started to twirl a strand of hair around her finger and then began talking in her annoying voice.

“I haven't seen you in a while, Alex.”

The blonde boy shrugged, not facing her. The girl didn't seem to get the hint and continued, “You aren't with Kellin any more, right?”

Alex barely shook his head, still not facing her.

“Oh. So. You doing anything tonight?”

The English boy scoffed, this turning towards her. “Okay, look. You haven't seen me in a while because I finally saw the obvious. That you and your lot are just a load of horny idiots that are all gonna end up prematurely pregnant, with multiple STDs, or dead from alcohol or drug abuse. I realised that everyone else is deluded into thinking that you're all “perfect” simply because you are all what society has decided to call “beautiful”. And no, I am NOT doing anything tonight. And that includes having my dick anywhere near you and your slutty, overused vagina, okay? Bye.”

Brittany made a sound of indignation as Alex then slammed his own locker and walked away, leaving her with a shocked look on her face.


As soon as Josh caught up with Jack, (which took a bit longer than he thought it would, Jack has long legs) he started talking.

“Right. What's up with you, then?”

“Nothing.” Mumbled Jack.

Josh scoffed, “Jack. Come on, something is obviously up. Did something happen between you and Alex? You know....again?”

“No.” Jack mumbled again.

Suddenly, Josh just stopped walking. Jack didn't notice until he was about three feet away and then he looked around him confused. He stopped walking himself and then walked back to Josh.

“What?” He said to the raised eyebrow bitch face, that really should have been on a pissy face.

“Jack,” He sighed, “Honestly, I try my hardest to be comforting and do what is right and all that, but, if you aren't even going to tell me what is wrong then what's the point?” He ran his fingers through his hair frustratedly.

The Lebanese boy sighed, “You're right. Sorry. It's just, well, I mean it isn't that big of a deal. It's the same thing from the other night.” He ran his hand over his face tiredly, “Alex just keeps trying to get in touch with me; texts, conversations, and even coming to my house! It's really aggravating because he won't stop! It's like, any chance he can get he's tries to talk to me. know...I don't wanna talk to him because I'm still pissed at him. But he won't seem to get the hint.”

Josh looked thoughtful for a moment, “Yeah. I can see how that would get irritating. I'm sure he'll stop eventually though.”

The other boy just nodded and then the two began walking again.

“You know, Jack, he'd probably stop sooner if you just tal-”


Jack says bluntly before entering his fourth class of the day leaving Josh to roll his eyes and go to his next class as well.


A/N: Here, have another long filler chapter. I had a bit of fun writing this chapter and I'm sorry if it comes out kind of silly, but deal with it because that's how it's written! Thanks to all that's still reading, you are all lovely. I seem to be lacking a bit in comments lately, and although I really hate to beg for comments (because it makes me feel guilty and like a spoiled bitch), if you have the time, maybe write a reaction? Or don't, I can't tell you what to do. But thanks for the people that do consistently comment, because I love you all very much(:

jalex, jack barakat, jack barakat/alex gaskarth, alex gaskarth

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