The other way round Chapter 2

Aug 10, 2009 16:36

Chapter 2

“Pepa”, Rita smiles sadly, as she sees me “how are you?”, and hugs me.

I hug her back: “It could be better, but I think you know this”

“You are right”, she whispers “let’s  get this idiots”

I nod: “I promise you, Montoya and Silvia, that we will get them in jail! So what did you do to get them?”

“Nothing, they are harder to catch that anyone we ever had to”, she sighs, that’s what I feared, but I have to catch them, I never broke a promise I gave my redhead and I’m not willing to do it now!

I nod: “Let’s get them! Come on!”

“Is everything okay with her, Paco?”, I have to know it, but I can’t look at Pepa’s brother, I know he doesn’t blame me for this, but that doesn’t mean, I don’t blame myself.

He sighs: “Nothing changed, but they told me, if she won’t wake up in the next few days, there are chances, that the glass pliers, that good into her head, caused damages, which probably will stay”

I close my eyes, I feel my eyes watering, the pain in my stomach and I still can’t look at him: “I’m so sorry Paco”

He smiles lightly: “Come on you have to live with her”, I shake my head “Silvia, it isn’t your fault! My sister is strong and she will be the last one, that would blame you!”

“I know…”, I sigh.

Paco stands up, gives me a kiss on the forehead and smiles: “Now, keep a little company of my sister, I think, that is the best we can do!”

“Thanks Paco”, I smile softly at him and go slowly back to the sit in front of my fiancée.

After I hear the door closing, I kiss Pepa on the forehead: “Come on Pepa, when do you think, you are coming back to us? We all miss you here, you know…you told me you would spent the rest of our lives together, you remember? Not a week ago, so please, come back to us…to me”, and I kiss her again on the head “I love you”

As I come home, I go slowly to Silvia’s and my wardrobe, I need something for the funeral, tomorrow. The whole day, nothing, not a tiny hint, where one of them could be, or who they are!

As I open it, Silvia’s scent hits me immediately, the whole day I was occupied, I was empty ‘cause I didn’t find out anything, but now again, I’m alone with the pain and the emptiness.

I couldn’t sleep the whole night. The night before I will pay the last respect to my loved redhead.

All I can think of is, how I fail in putting them into jail, putting the ones away, how put that away from me, that was the most important person in my life with my brother since I was a little kid…with no logical reason.

She still sleeps like the other days, she looks so peacefully…but I know, she shouldn’t sleep like this anymore, not after almost a week: “Please, come back to me Pepa”, I whisper.

I am so tired, I didn’t sleep for long the last 5 days, although it’s just five in the evening, my head drops and I drift to sleep still holding her hand.

I stir and wake up, as I drifted to sleep, there was still light outside, now it is dark, Pepa’s hand is still in mine, of course it is, I used it as a pillow.

I’m still sleepy, that’s why I look around, something have had woken me up. Sara stays in front of us: “Hey, auntie, sorry I have woken you up”

“No, it is okay, I just needed a little nap”, I rub the sleep out of my eyes still holding Pepa’s hand.

She nods slowly: “How is she?”

“Paco told me, that nothing happened, because no one tells me anything, because I’m just the girlfriend not family, this nurse ignores, that we are engaged”, I say bitterly.

She shakes her head: “That’s unbelievable…”

“Yeah, but that’s how it is! I’m lucky that I’m close to Paco, don’t I?”, I laugh lightly the first time in 5 days.

She nods: “And how are you, Silvia, I mean really not any jokes or something”

“I’m afraid, I don’t know, what I would do without her, I’m so afraid of losing her”

She nods again: “We all are, Silvia”, she sits down next to me “come on take another nap, I know you’re still tired”

“You are right”, I put my head back next to her hand placing a kiss on Pepa’s hand.

After I got dressed in the morning of the funeral, I still had two hours left, before my niece, Paco and Don Lorenzo will get me and we drive to the graveyard.

I take the photo album, that we made, when we were kids with the new photos from before her death, before the wedding.

After some photos of our childhood together, mostly take at the beach, there was this photo, that was taken on the day of Sara’s first communion, before our first kiss, before her first kiss, before I left the city and we didn’t see us for years, years that I now want to use so much.

I kiss the little redhead on the photo, we were so happy on this day and dios, she was so beautiful, when we were younger.

The next photo is taken years after the last one, it was taken in a villa of a old friend of mine. A smile starts to form on my face, this was only couple of days after the day we started our relationship, a relationship, that we first have hidden from anyone, but we were so happy.

The door bell rings and I get up, after I  closed the album carefully: “Hi guys!”, I smile sadly. Sara hugs me immediately silent, Don Lorenzo nods to me telling me hi and Paco just smiles lightly.

“Let’s go, my daughter”, Don Lorenzo smiles at me and begins to go to the car. We three follow him, after Sara released me.

The words, that the priest said, were kind, but all I did, was stare at the photo of Silvia.
Silvia’s grave was the first we came to, after Don Lorenzo I was the next to step in front of the grave: “Silvia, I…”, than I hear a two shoots, the pain in my head and in my heart are the strongest pain I ever felt in my entire life and than everything goes black, while I’m falling into the grave of my wife, into the embrace of death.

lhdp, pepa, fanfiction, no shooting-no death, the other way round, los hombres de paco, silvia

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