Title: Crossing the Line
Rating: PG 13 (R/NC17 in a few chapters)
Pairing: Callian
Summary: Gillian and Cal finally cross the line and see where the other side takes them.
Author: rockxhuddy
Spoilers: Nothing specifically I can think of, but stuff might pop up :D
Cal jolts out of his sleep as the sliding door in his study gets slammed shut. He rubs his eyes and sits up as he looks at Gillian, perturbed that his sleep had been disturbed.
"Oy, quit slamming doors will ya?" Gillian crosses her arms over her doubly ample chest and gives Cal a look.
"You missed my appointment." Cal looks at his watch and curses as he rubs his head.
"Sorry love…guess I dozed off a bit longer than I planned."
"Good news?" Gillian nods and hands Cal the small bag that was in one of her hands. Cal looks at the bag confused, unfamiliar with the design on it as he reaches inside. Pulling out the tissue paper inside he smiles as he pulls out a long sleeved striped baby rugby shirt in the same colors of his favorite team, knowing this was indication that they were having a boy.
"There's more in there." Cal reaches in again this time pulling out a tiny pink cable knit sweater dress. He arches his eyebrow as he looks at Gillian.
"Is our son going to be a cross dresser? Cuz you know it's not really nice to label people." Gillian shrugs as she walks over to the couch, sitting down next to Cal.
"It's not for him, it's for her…" Cal looks at Gillian still in the dark to what she was talking about.
"Twins Cal…" Gillian reaches out and touches Cal's face as he looks at her.
"We're having a boy and a girl."
"T-twins?" Gillian nods.
"Yeah…" Gillian laughs softly.
"I couldn't believe myself when she told me…Alec and I spent years trying to get pregnant and were unsuccessful…one night with you and bam I'm knocked up with twins." Gillian smirks softly as she looks at Cal as he stares at her, disbelief written all over his face. She takes his hand in hers and presses it to one side of her belly, pressing down a bit so he could feel the fluttering under her skin.
"That's him…and…" Gillian moves his hand to the other side of her belly and presses down again.
"That's her…" Cal looks down and studies Gillian's belly for a while before looking at her.
"There's two of them in there…" Gillian nods and smiles as she kisses Cal softly. She pushes herself up before holding her hands out to Cal.
"Come on, we've got a case we need to keep working on." Cal nods and pulls himself up before kissing Gillian deeply and squeezing her into a hug. He kisses her head before pulling away and following her to the lab.
"Where are we at?" Torres looks at Gillian and Cal as they come into the lab where she was watching the cube on the projector.
"Loker's been talking to her for about an hour…we still don't have a baseline set."
"He's been in there for an hour and he doesn't have a baseline set?"
"Watch this." Torres rewinds the video to the beginning.
"He starts off with the basic questions, what's your name, how old are you…all that stuff…then he starts with the questions he's hoping to catch a lie on." Torres brings up the voice analysis.
Are you a doctor?
Do you know what happened on September 11th 2001?
Do you know who John Lennon is?
"All of those answers are lies…but she shows no facial expressions to indicate such and there's no voice spike or temperature change…"
"How do you know the last two are lies?"
"Diane was in the fifth floor of Tower Two on 9/11 and she has a framed signed copy of the Beatles White Album in her office…the album is only signed by John Lennon…just like the other three that she has next to it." Torres looks at her bosses.
"Now if she had been missing maybe a couple years I'd say it's completely possible she was brainwashed into thinking all of this…but she was only missing for five days…"
"That they know of…she was allegedly on vacation before she was taken…what's the possibility that she never got on that flight and was missing for three weeks before the five days. She has no one she needs to contact back here…who would have noticed if she hadn't checked in on the flight."
"Still though…that's a month, there's no way who ever took her brainwashed her that bad in a month…and about stuff like that. Who cares if she knows who John Lennon is and whether or not she knows what happened on September 11th." Cal takes the remote from Torres before pausing the video.
"Let me see the photo of Diane that the police were using on their searches on the screen next to this." Torres nods and pulls it up on the screen, layering the two next to each other. Cal stares at the pictures and turns around to look at the two women behind him.
"Ladies, that is not Diane Westley."
Gillian sighs as she climbs into bed next to Cal. She kisses him softly and smiles as she lays her head on her pillow.
"You did good today…" Cal smirks softly.
"I do put an effort forward every now and then." Gillian shakes her head and kisses Cal again as she curls up on her side.
"Well right now can you make an effort to rub my back?" Gillian looks over her shoulder and winks at Cal before laying her head back down as he starts to massage her back.
"Where are we going to put them Cal?"
"Put who?" Gillian reaches back and smacks Cal's chest.
"The twins."
"Figured we'd turn the extra bedroom into a nursery one of these days."
"What's one of these days mean?" Cal shrugs as he continues to rub.
"We can do it this weekend if you want." Gillian rolls over and looks at Cal. She reaches out stroking his face softly and sighs.
"Are we just going to just let this happen?"
"Let what happen love?"
"Everything just falls together slowly? I mean I still have my apartment and still have stuff there and still go there every once in a while…" Cal studies Gillian's face.
"Why don't you just move in here? I mean, it's better that we do it now then when we have two newborn babies…yeah?" Gillian nods and smiles slightly.
"We'll do that this weekend too, kay?" Gillian nods again and scoots closer to Cal before running her hands up his chest.
"I love you…" Gillian wraps her arms around Cal and lays her head on his chest softly.
"So much." Gillian closes her eyes and sighs softly as she falls asleep. Cal sighs softly and kisses Gillian's head.
"I love you too."