Get ready Mexico, here we come

Mar 02, 2005 20:45

yea, so we got my ticket today, I'm actually getting excited for it. The beach sounds FANTASTIC right now. My conversation I had: Went like absolute shit, it really is probably for the better. He just wants to be friends and I decided he probably never cared about me at all. So I was being dramatic...My solution: listen to sad APC songs and go to the Tap Room to get completely blitzed. Ah yes...more Bacardi...just what I needed. I spent the majority of that time crying, for what reason I'm not real sure, but I feel a lot better now, I even think the "friend" thing might work out after all. Until I see him out with Ugly Sweatshirt girl again....bitch.

I decided that Luke should take me out on Saturday because I think he's really cute and he can cheer me up.

Funny conversation:
Jeremy: So how do you get all your school done with all those jobs and nights of drinking?
Jess: I don't, that's why I have a great new elaborate plan: to STOP drinking and actually do some homework.
Jeremy: So are you going out tonight?
Jess: Heck yes!
Jeremy: hahahahahha
Jess: Shit, man, I didn't say the plan was gonna start THIS week..!

Guess ya had to be there...
My Mom and Dad are prolly coming up this week to bring me my dress, some luggage for Spring Break, and a sofa. I'm excited.

Time for homework, then time for cosmo mixes! Tierny's coming up tonight so we can have pre-Grandma's drinks and join Christian @ Sunsets for Karoke! Hooray!
Shane whipped me with a towel so hard I have a red mark on my ass...Ouch. I'm SO getting him back.

Uh, that's it.

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