this volume contains all of the scenes from sylar in episode 16 from the first season
sylar pretending to be zane taylor goes with dr. suresh to try and help a new hero named dale who has the power of enhanced hearing. i just love how corky sylar is acting around both suresh and dale and how incredibly persuasive he could really be. also, during that scene, where dale is talking about her power and how amazing it was, you could see dale through the eyes of the watchmaker. the entire scene is practically out of focus, like you were looking at it through gabriel grey's lenses. in a way, you got a sense on how sylar see's the world or at least that was the feeling i got from the whole scene.
im sure you all noticed the resemblance of the speech sylar gives mohinder to the speech he once gave chandra, about how he could feel the special people out there and how they were going to find all of them together. im sure this is where mohinder started to get suspicious, because even though he never heard this speech before, it just sounded creepy, and of course the whole thing was later confirmed by the fact that dale was murdered that same night. i don't think mohinder is that naive or stupid to not see the connection, but i could be wrong since he has been acting like a total idiot lately.
also, sylar confirms his power of levitation here, even though we never truly see him use it. we know he can because he easily vanished from sight earlier on the season after matt parkman shot him, and now when dale asked him why she didn't hear any footsteps he says and i quote "that's because there weren't any"
on a side note, i was going to put extra clips here of the commentary made by zachary and sendhil but i could not find the video for the life of me, and unfortunately my computer can't play blue ray or Hd dvd disks so i could not rip the clips either, sorry guys. if i ever find them i will post them here