[ Sam/Dean ] Title: Here Be Dragons Writer: cherie_morte Status of work: complete Characters and/or pairings: Sam/Dean Rating: NC-17 Warnings, kinks & contents: [Click to read]tentacle porn! Length: 4,657 Summary: Sam cleverly tricks Dean into joining him on a romantic Hawaii getaway. Unfortunately (fortunately?) the kraken hunt he uses to convince Dean to agree to come has some unforeseen side effects. Namely, Sam starts sprouting tentacles.
Reccer's notes: You know, I came to the comm today ready to rec something bleak and angsty, and then I thought to hell with that, let's rec tentacles. Because sometimes what you want from Spn fic is something fun and sexy, and, moreover, I am a sucker (ha!) for a strong Dean voice, and this one is delightful. Dean enjoying the hunt, his brother, and tentacle sex is good for what ails you.
[Short excerpt]And as it turns out, it's not all that bad. Sam's new limbs are kind of fun.
In fact, they're really fun. Dean suspects they're the fun Sam keeps buried under all his stern glances, because he can control them when he pays attention to them, but right now, when his attention is fixed on the World's Most Boring Documentary About Pirates Ever they're nothing but a good time. It reminds Dean of that Doctor Sexy episode where the guy kept getting taken over by his Id or whatever it was called and cursing in church. Dean always knew his little brother had some enjoyable qualities locked up somewhere.