Title: Sammy’s Favorite Toy Writer: lylithj2 Status of work: Complete Characters and/or pairings: Sam/Dean/John Rating: NC-17 Warnings, kinks & contents:[Click to read]Dark Fic!, Wincest, Non-con; Drug use; Piercings, Bastard!Sam, Bastard!John, Broken!Dean, Toy!Dean, PWP Let’s face it, it’s just VERY Dark Porn for tifaching’s Birthday. ‘Cause I love her! Length: 2,000 Summary: AU: Sammy loves playing with his Toy. John joins in sometimes.
Reccer's notes: Though not a traditional evil!Sam in the apocalypse sense, this Sam is evil enough on his own on any scale. Scary, scary story, not for the faint of heart, but so well done. This is what happens when lylithj2 and tifaching play birthday fic tag! Nothing good comes of it! ^^ for Dean at least.