[Fic] hyacintho: When the Lights Turn Blue

Jun 10, 2013 02:35

[ Open Reccing ]

Title: When the Lights Turn Blue
Writer: hyacintho
Status of work: complete
Characters and/or pairings: Dean/Castiel
Rating: R
Length: 7457 words
Summary: Searching for a way to take down Dick Roman’s technological empire, Dean Winchester stumbles across private footage that uncovers his personal AI’s past. Narrating in vivid detail the seven years that took Castiel from being a weapon of mass destruction to an abandoned android - and finally, an Artificial Intelligence system who fell in love with a human - Dean is once again reminded of how much he misses the eyes that shine blue.

Reccer's notes: This is a fabulous story in which Castiel is a former android reduced to being an AI program, and Dean's forced to remember a history much happier than the present.

[Short excerpt]The clip ended abruptly when the lights surged, the tiny screen fading to black and leaving Dean in the darkened room. He leaned forward, elbows on his knees as he dug his fingertips into the corner of his eyes. It hurt, it hurt more than any kind of physical injury he’d suffered in a very long time. A lot of things have changed in five years, but the absence of Cas had always been something that cut deep.

c: castiel, fic: 5-15k, *open reccing, c: dean winchester, t: sci-fi, *dean/castiel

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