Hope this works this time...
[ Open Reccing ]
The Amazing Incredible Adventures of Freakboy and DykegirlWriter:
stele3Status of work: incomplete
Characters and/or pairings: Dean, OFC
Rating: Mature
Warnings, kinks & contents: Abandoned Work - Unfinished and Discontinued, ponies, Magic, Dinosaurs, Femslash, lesbians
Length: 89176
Summary: Future-fic, AU in that Papa Winchester is still alive (or alive again, whatever). Told from the POV of Kim Watson, a bounty hunter who encounters a solo Dean; the two form an unlikely partnership.
Reccer's notes: If you are like me and a bit wary of first person fics, put that aside and give this fic a go. Even though the author says it is incomplete, the place that it finishes could be an ending, and won't leave you disatisfied. It might however, leave you craving more, because it is just so well written and so much fun, dammit!
In this AU, Sam and Dean are estranged (something that feels like an echo their relationship in What is and Should Never Be). Dean is struggling on with his hunting life in spite of the gaping hole in this heart, and the narrator, Kim, who is a fully fleshed out and awesomely snarky character in her own right, does her best to help him heal a little bit. The developing relationship between her and Dean is the core of the story, as is the way these two damaged individuals find a friendship that sees them both through some tough times. So there is angst aplenty (many's the time her Dean brings a tear to my eye) but this is leavened by a healthy dose of humour.