[Art] scarletscarlet: Art for 'Goodnight Bears'

May 14, 2013 21:27

[ Het: Jared/Genevieve ]
Title: Art Masterpost for Goodnight Bears
Artist: scarletscarlet
Alternate links: fic with the art embedded
Characters and/or pairings: Jared/Genevieve
Rating: SFW
Warnings, kinks & contents:  [Click to read]werebears
Medium: digital
Short description: a cover illustration in color and four interior b&w pieces

Reccer's notes: The genteensybang just recently wrapped up posting, with many wonderful offerings of fic and art. I love the lush, atmospheric banner painting that makes me curious about the fic's universe and the undeniable charm and cuteness of the smaller pieces. And it's lovely to see how seamlessly the art and fic go together in this collaboration!


*het, ^art, t: wereanimals, p: genevieve/jared, *other rpf, c: genevieve cortese, c: jared padalecki

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