[Fanart] captainshroom: I Miss Meg Already

Apr 27, 2013 11:42


Title: I Miss Meg Already
Characters and/or pairings: Anna Milton, Jo Harvelle, Meg 2.0, Ruby 2.0
Rating: sfw
Warnings, kinks & contents:[Click to read]Spoilers for 8.17 and a little bit of bitterness.
Medium: digital
Short description: Told you she wouldn't last the season.

Reccer's notes: They are my four favorite SPN ladies! And they're all gone! And this author shares our collective sadness with a delightfully cartoonish style that makes it hurt a little less. Plus, I just really like all four ladies' faces. I miss their faces.

c: meg (demon), c: ruby, c: anna milton, c: jo harvelle, visual rating: sfw, art: digital, ^art, *minor character

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