whores whores whores! Or Caitlin's OC post...

Nov 14, 2009 19:24

Spam time because I need to get these girls out of my head so I can focus on my script.

Most of the following are OCs for the purpose of the game rivelata and as such are suited for a 17th century city. Or possibly they're just OCs from the Pre-to-current Victorian Era because I am a whore for it. Not much research has been done for the time specific settings in part because I seriously don't have time to be obsessing over them any more than I already am...

Artemisia- thewomaniam
Artemisia is a 30 something prostitute working for the Madam in Husband Alley. A courtesan that fell from grace after becoming pregnant and refusing to give up the baby. The madam allowed her to enter her service shortly after the birth of the baby (a bouncing blue eyed girl named Joy). Artemisia has lost a bit of her youthfulness over the years, but still maintains a level of class and sophistication. She has a firm beleif that women should be well spoken and intelligent, but also know her place. She also beleives that a woman's place is to be a shrewd, but very subtle businessperson and has since become incredibly skilled at manipulation and negotiation. She lives by a strict modesty code, though she herself is not stiff.

Artemisia strives always to be the perfect lady in public, preffering to keep her more sultry side reserved for the well paying clients who take her to bed and the times when she occasionally drinks a little too much wine. Her age is a constant worry to her, as one of the oldest working women in the Madam's service. She's completely devoted to Joy who at 13 is an intelligent young girl already becoming a shrewd business woman, though she's expressly forbbiden from going anywhere near Husband Alley. Aretmisia rarely allows herself to be sentimental or soft, except for the times when she does get drunk, something she does when things become a little rough on her.

Beatrice Monet- amnotseethru
Beatrice is the second eldest daughter and bastard child of a well to do man who has since married and given birth to a slew of pretty blond children. Abandoned by her mother shortly after her birth, her father was kind enough to take her in. Unfortunately, the man is a bit dim and his wife is a bit vindictive. While Beatrice is never outright mistreated, it's made clear to her that she's in no way welcome by the wife or holds any sort of position, due to her status which is still a point of gossip among the wealthy. Effectively a stranger in her own home, Beatrice has strived to be a grown up and sophisticated woman in the hopes of marrying soon and getting out of the house as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, her understanding of how a woman goes about getting a husband is a bit scewed, thanks to a tutor of her sister's taking a liking to the pretty girl and deciding to teach her the "proper ways to become a woman."

Beatrice now thinks of herself as a suductress and a grown woman, although her age and her exteremly limited experience make her at best a frustrated child trying very hard to be an adult. She tries very hard to imitate the ladies she sees, but hasn't developed the grace or elegance to pull it off. The alternating states of being treated like a child and an eyesore frustrate her to no end and she's constantly trying to appear more adult. Since no one's taught her about fashion or makeup, her early attempts were disasterous. She's since learned through trial and error, but the end result is still jarring. She wants to be treated like the grown up she tries to be and accepted and lives in constant terror of absolute rejection because of any displays of what she deems childish behavior, which is at times the only thing controlling her temper. Her pride is very delicate and her feelings are easily hurt. She's prone to lashing out verbally when either are damaged and then running away to hide. She's completely enamoured with stories of adventures and magic, but since she deems both things unladylike and childish, she denies liking either. It's only when she's actually being told stories that she forgets to act like an adult.

The Gutter Child- petalsnstring
The Gutter Child doesn't have a real name. She was born in the slums and through some miricale or another managed to survive to her 10th birthday. She's more like a stray cat than a person, even limiting the amount she speaks. She's incredibly cautious of anyone who approaches her and suspicious of kindness shown. That said, she's very curious and quick to latch on to people who prove themselves to be consitently kind hearted. It's rumored that she has fairy blood in her, due to her odd speech patterns and voice when she does speak and her ability to disappear in the blink of an eye. In reality, she's a normal little girl with reflexes honed to a point from living on her own for so long. Her voice has become so disused over the years that it has a deep hoarse quailty that's startling to hear in someone so small.

She used to be kept by a kindly, but completely mad woman who lived in a shack on the outer edges of the city. The Gutter Child lives there still, even after the old woman passed away. The shack is surprisngly pretty in a rundown sort of way, decorated and patched together with driftwood and bits of glass and colorful cloth. The Gutter Child is enamored with brightly colored things and religiously collects flowers through out the seasons, which she presses in between the pages of books she finds or steals in some cases. The shack is full of books that she can't read with flowers carefully pressed on every page. The seamstresses in town occasionally give her scraps of cloth, which she uses to make her clothes. She owns one true dress given to her by a kind gentleman, who found her pretty and wanted to clean her up and make a proper daughter of her. Unfortunately, the Gutter Child is terrified of being restrained in houses for too long and soon ran away. She keeps the dress folded very carefully in a small trunk she found on the beach once, sometimes taking it out to look at it. These days she's more of an oddity, often tempted down from her rooftops by various trinkets, but always disappearing before she can be caught, so that the rumor of a pretty little fairy child living on the rooftops persists.


Kitten (known as Pussycat to her wide and varied clientel) is a less reputable girl and one of the few who don't work for the Madam in Husband Alley. She caters to the more out there crowd, indulging in femme dominance fetishes and other mischeif. She's the daughter of a soldier and the widow of a sea captain and every inch a bawdy and a loud woman who's come into her own and entierly too comfortable with herself. She absolutely refuses to take crap from anyone and has on more than one occasion turned an entierly too rude patron out on his ear. She has an alarming amount of strength and fights like a brawler, claiming her late husband taught her how. Her tendency to hang around the bakery hasn't done anything but increase it, thanks to her insistance at helping out the baker's younger son (a thin scholarly type that gossipers claim Kitten has taken a liking to) lifting bags of flour. She's surprisngly level headed and has a keen mind for business, altough she comes off as a bubble head thanks to her over the top and congenial personality. She has amazing tenacity and focus, having basically brow beat the baker's son into teaching her how to read and write.

Depsite her livlihood of "reminding big strong men why they married their sweet comely wives in the first place", she hates violence and cruelty to the point of becoming violent herself. At a rare six foot two, Kitten cuts an intimidating sight when she's furious. Despite her tendency to extremes, her rage is a cool, level headed burn. She falls in love frequently and falls out of it just as quickly, thanks to her bad habit of going for quiet, intelligent scholar types, typically ones who are either entierly too intimidated or offended by her behavior or married. She's rarely too broken up about it or just about anything, living by the philosophy that bad things happen and it's just best to move on and remember the good times. In truth, her husband was the only man she truly dearly loved and now that he's gone she has little interest in loving anyone else as deeply as se does him.

role playing, rivelata, !muselist

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