(no subject)

Nov 14, 2009 16:38

A- AVAILABLE: Repeatedly so yes.

B - BIRTHDAY: February 18th

C - CRUSHING ON: Aaaaaaaa guy. >_> That I know I shouldn't. D - DRINK YOU LAST HAD: warter

E - EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO: fff...everyone I talk to? Arella, Liz, Melissa and Alicia are the easiest right now... Emily and I share a brain in a lot of respects, so there's that.

F - FAVORITE SONG: Mmmmph... I suspect it will almost always be this one. But most recently?

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H - HOMETOWN: La Pine, Oregon (google map it, I dare ya, you'll never be able to find my house.)

I - IN LOVE WITH: my bed. Almost two years on just an airmattress and a futon mattress and I have a real honest to god bed.



L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: Bend Oregon to San Francisco California. Made longer by the presence of strangers and intense amounts of awkward.

M - MILKSHAKE FLAVOR: Strawberry or Chocolate, depending on my mood that day.

N - NUMBER OF SIBLINGS: 1 and thank goodness for that, I worry enough about that asshole as it is.

O - ONE WISH: To be able to pay my tuition and bills without driving myself even farther into debt or insane. Alternatively, I want a citique screen laptop (THEY ARE SO NICE, CAMRYN HAD ONE IN SCRIPTING IT WAS SO NICE) and photoshop cs4.

P - PERSON YOU CALLED LAST: ...I don't remember... I have trouble hearing on the phone so I usually avoid it when I have the choice.

R- REASON TO SMILE: I get to go home for Christmas. Also. Our fridge. We had an early Thanksgiving yesterday with some of Kyle's friends. THERE IS SO MUCH FOOD IN OUR FRIDGE OH MY GOD.

S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD: The Nutcracker Suite (Baz Kuts Breaks Mix) - Berlin Symphony Orchestra ... putting together that Christmas project.

T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: 9:30 or so

U - USUAL or UNUSUAL: Usual. That's actually a little late for me these days...

V - VEGETABLE(S): Cooked vegetables are gross. :/ Except carrots, broccoli, corn and potatoes... And cooked broccoli is really just an excuse for lots of melted cheese.

W - WORST HABIT: Stressing myself out about weird things. Letting my various minor mental defects affect my life.

X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: My right arm when I was in the fifth grade and various ones of my head because of teeth.

Y - YOYOS ARE: Awesome, but I can't do any of the tricks.

Z - ZODIAC SIGN: Aquarius and the snake (specifically Earth snake I think?)

Random Questions About You:
1.What color do you wear most?: Grays, blues and blacks

2. Least favorite color? Some shades of green and most shades of brown

3. What is your favorite class in school?: I dunno... All my sequential classes.

4. Who is your best friend?: Iiiidk? I love all you jerks.

5. Are you outgoing?: It's entierly dependent on the situation, the people and how I feel any given day. orz

6. Favorite pair of shoes?: My black boots <3

7. Where do you wish you were right now?: ...getting ready to go to Japan with everyone else...

8. Can you dance?: I certainly pretend I can!

9. Walk with your toes curled?: Yeah

10. Do you believe in miracles?: Yup.

11. Do you believe in love at first sight?: Love? No. Attraction? Certainly. Lust? Naturally. Love at first sight is kinda wishful thinking to me...

12. Do you know how to swim?: sort of. :/ I'm a fairly weak swimmer.

12. Do you make a wish at 11:11?: No, I never notice.

13. Do you like roller coasters?: I've only really ever been on one and it was small, but it was really fun, so I guess?

14. Have you ever been on a plane?: Yes. It's a regular mode of transportation for me now. orz What I get for going to school on the other side of the country.

15. Have you ever asked someone out?: God no. I have absolutely no spine in that area.

16. Have you ever been to the ocean?: Lots. :3 Oregon's coastal region is one of my absolute favorite places. Savannah's beach is gorgeous, despite the lack of tidepools, but I don't get to go down there near as much as I would like.

17. What is the temperature outside?: 65 F, about the same in the house.

18. What was the last restaurant you ate at?: Sakura, a local Japanese resturant. It's kinda divy and the service and food quality can be a little hit and miss, but I have good luck with the servers, the portions are huge, it's cheap and the new night sushi chef is amazing.


19. Ever really cried your heart out?: Yeaaaaaah...

20. Ever cried yourself to sleep?: Sort of... On the early early morning of my 20th birthday. That was a bad day.

21. Ever cried on your friend's shoulder?: Not normally. :/ I really hate people seeing me cry.

22. Ever cried over the opposite sex?: Aahahahahahahah. Yes.

23. Do you cry when you get an injury?: Not really? If it hurts a lot, I get wimpery and if I see a lot of my own blood, I get a little faint.

24. Do certain songs make you cry?: Ffffffff, yes. Almsot every sad country song makes me cry.


25. Are you a happy person?: I guess? I'm more positively eccentric and very emotional.

26. What can make you happy?: Comics (despite the rage it also causes me), online window shopping, deciding when things just don't matter anymore, so it's cool, rping.

27. Can music make you happy?: yeah, always.

28. How many times have you had your heart broken?: A couple. :lb Not really that many, in the grand scheme of things.

29. Have you ever loved someone so much that you'd die for them?: Yup. I think I still kind of do, even though I lost touch with her years ago. :/

30. What is your current hair color?: Dark strawberry blonde.

31. Current piercings?: the standard ear set, and it's a wonder they haven't closed up, considering I never wear earrings anymore.

32. Have any tattoos?: Fffff, no. But such plans I have...

33. Eye color?: Blue-gray, but there's all kinds of colors in there that pick up the light really easily. I had a friend swear up and down that my eyes were hazel.


34. What shirt are you wearing?: The spaghetti strap top I really need to get back to Liz. orz

35. Pants: .....none..... 8D

36. Shoes?: nope, barefoot

37. Necklaces?: Nooooooooooope!

38. Favorite eye color: Green or light blue

39. Short or long hair: Somewhere in the middle really. Medium to short on both. Long hair's nice on girls and certain guys, though.

40. Height: Normally like the boys to be at least a little bit taller. Depending on the girl same height or a bit taller.

41. Best clothing: Guys is slightly loose pants and snug shirts are nice... And I love the punk, rocker style. But really? People in nice clothes and formal clothes? Yeeeah that.


42. Been to jail: Nope. :lb

43. Laughed so hard you cried: Yeah, it happens a lot actually... /easily amused

44. Cried in school: Once

45. Thrown up in a store: No thank goodness.

46. Wanted to be a model: Not really. :lb I wanted to be a fashion designer for a while when I was younger. When I was very small, I used to play a game where I was a fashion model and my little brother was my photographer.

47. Done something really stupid that you still laugh at today: No... I usually feel more embarrassed than anything else.

48. Seen a dead body: Nope

49. Been in a huge fight: Noo. My self preservation is strong to the point of absolute avoidance.

50. Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi

51. Single or Group Dates: Never been on either come to think of it, so I don't much have a preference.

52. Strawberries or Blueberries: Strawberries!

52. Meat or Veggies: Meat. Especially beef. Probably because I rarely get to eat it these days.

53. TV or Movie: Movies!

54. Guitar or Drums: ...Not gonna lie, when I saw Arella do this I swore up and down it said Gauguin or Dega. In my mind I went "FUCK YEAH DEGAS! GAUGUIN WAS A BITCH WHO NEVER LOVED VAN GOH BACK!" .../quietly shoves art history classes back in the closet. Guitar.

55. Adidas or Nike: Neither? :lb I don't really wear sneakers these days.

56. Chinese or Mexican: Chinese, mostly

57. Cheerios or Corn Flake: Cheerios, unless they're frosted flakes. XD

58. Cake or Pie: Cake. Even when it's a lie.

59. Righty or lefty: I'm so left handed, it's saaad.

60. Night or day: Day. I've spent too much time in the dark. :/

61. Sun or moon: Both. :3 They're lovely.

62. Kiss or hug: Hugs I guess? I've never had a kiss.

62. Fall or spring: Spriiing!

63. Valentines Day or Halloween: Halloween. Caaaand-eeeeeeeeee <3

64. Soccer or Baseball: Mmm... Both can be fun to watch, but I'm really terrible at playing them.

65. Real Name: Caitlin Marie Kittrell

66. Nicknames: Cait and Pervert have been the only ones to ever really stick...

67. College: SCAD

68. Hair Length: Just above my shoulders

69. Race: White...? Very... A healthy mix of German, English and Dutch with a bit of Scottish and Scandinavian.


71. Height: 5'5". 5'6" if my mum's feeling tall.

72. Surgery: Just some dental surgeries and an incident involving a few stitches behind one of my ears when I was wee. (Toddlers running free and corners of coffee tables don't mix)

73. First piercing: Ears when I was about 10. The lady who did it was really pretty and gave me a huge teddy bear to squeeze because I was nervous.

74. First sport: Soccer

75. First vacation: ....Um... I really don't remember? Probably going up to visit my grandma in Washington.

76. First crush: I think the first crush I had was my friend Nicholas. He was blonde and sweet and we used to say we were going to get married and watched infomercials to pick out rings. XD


77. Want kids?: Mmm... maybe. I'm not even remotely ready for it.

78. When: When I'm older and can afford to take care of them properly.

79. Want to get married: Mmm, maybe.

80. When: When I found someone I love who loves me too?

81. What do you want to be?: Comic artist and wirter and... general artist. Also successful.

82. How many kids do you want: Dunno.

83. Any name on the mind: mmm... Lucy I think, if it's a girl.

84. What did you want to be when you were little: A vet then a fashion designer then a writer.

85. Something you would never try: Mmm... not sure?

86. Broken a bone: Not really. I fractured my right arm once.

87. Broken someones heart: I hope not. ;_;

88. Had your heart broken: Yeeeeeeeeeeeah. Part of being human, growing up, ect. ect.

89. Liked a friend as more than a friend: Part of being human, growing up, story of my life, ect. ect. orz

90. Angels: Yup

91. GOD: Yup

92. Is there one or more people you want to be with right now: Yeah...

93. Is superman better than batman: Logic and a basic understanding of humans says that in the long run yeah, because he's mentally more stable and able to interact with others without the massive and multiple paranoia complexs. And lord knows I've grown to love the big idiot.


Superman will never be better than Batman. Personal biases.

94. Text message: Liz

95. Received call: Liz. XD

96. Call made: Kyle

97. Movie: Gundamn Wing: Endless Waltz

98. Game: Okami

99. Movie: mmmm... I dunno, it changes. :lb I love Miyazaki and Disney

100. Singer: Emilie Autumn

101. Color: blues, greens and purples.

102. Food: Pizzzzzzzzzzzzza and sushi!

103. Number: 18

In relation to nothing.

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I love the old woman character in this...


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