[sortasmuttyfic] As it Happens

Aug 15, 2010 04:06

As It Happens
Rating: Mature
Characters: Batman/Wondah Woman
Summary: Diana and Bruce.  Trapped in an alternate universe isn't a guarantee for sex, but stranger things have happened.

Notes: The logical response to protests to the presence of Superdong that is just really kind of inevitable when one is writing Trinity smut.  Originally was something else entierly, but it sucked and then disappeared.  As it turns out, sometimes just starting over does fix everything..

It happens suddenly.  It happens because... Diana's not really sure if there even is a "because," if there's a coherent reason as to why they suddenly find themselves like this.  She's thought about it, but never tried to really... solidify those brief fantasies.  Maybe it's just this.  Being in a new world that's not different from their own at a first glance, but at the same moment, so far from everything.  So far from so many of their loved ones and the allies that both of them relied on so much.  They aren't all that the other has, but the familiarity is something Diana occasionally feels like she has to hang on to.

That's all far from important now, because he feels good when she gets him out of the suit.  Better when she presses him down against the bed, sliding her fingers into his hair and moving him into a better kiss, a deeper one.  She isn't really sure if he likes her better out of the dress, but it seems a terribly small thing when being naked means she can press up against the hands running over her skin and feel all those calluses she knows he's worked all his life for.  Hard, strong hands pulling her closer and really she's the stronger one here.  There's something terrifyingly thrilling about catching those hands and pinning them to the bed, pinning him to the bed just to get that deep growl.

He's quiet, maybe predictably so, and it feels like a fight to get every action.  The best kind of victory when he arches up under her, when she opens her eyes and he's watching her.  Every soft sound and her name from him that sounds like a prayer.  And maybe that means everything he's getting from her, every gasp and soft moan and gesture to feel more of him is all a loss.  It doesn't matter, it's one she'll take gladly.


She laughs when her back hits the mattress, already arching up into him, moving against him.  Moving for him when he can't seem to make up his mind between making this something gentle and tender and being exactly as rough as he wants with her.  He kisses her for it, pins her to the bed and now she can understand reason to growl.

It's something to lose herself in, the feeling of his skin, his scars against her own skin.  The heat of it, the impossibly heady rush and all the reasons she can find to kiss him again.

Waking up feels like coming back into herself.  The early morning light looks wrong, filtering through the fog and the curtains.  Bruce is already up, dressing.  There's.... a moment when she pushes herself upright and he turns to look at her.  A long tense moment where the full weight of what they've done lands on them.  Diana closes her eyes for a moment and opens them again, getting out of bed.

"You're going on patrol tonight after you finish with your company and there isn't a single thing I can do to prevent that."

That almost gets her a smile.  Almost.  That still counts for something.  "No, there isn't."

She nods her understanding, not necessarily happy with it, but... well, he's right.  There are still boundaries that she knows she can't cross.  Perhaps there always will be.  Still.  "Bruce."

He pauses at the door, "Yes?"

"Be safe."

He's quiet for a minute, watching her.  In the silence, she wonders what he sees when he looks at her, but then he nods.  "You as well, Princess."

And just like that, he's gone.

holy shit it's fanficition!

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