An Attack in Boston...

Apr 15, 2013 17:22

In case you have not heard, there was a coordinated bomb attack near the finish line of the Boston Marathon today. It appears they were timed to go off during the time frame when the most people would be in the area (the elite runners were done, but the average runners were still on the course).

So far, there have been 2 deaths and many more people are in surgery with life threatening injuries and loss of limbs.

There has also been another bomb confirmed that went off at the JFK Presidential Library. They don't yet know if it's related, but they are assuming it was for the time being.

All the hotels near the end of the Finish Line have been evacuated. The Bruins game and the Boston Pops concert have both been cancelled.

The FAA has closed the airspace over the area and now all air traffic coming into Boston has been closed down.

Also, they've just shut down all Cell Phone service in the city of Boston on the fear that cell phone calls or texts could set off more bombs.

No one has used the word "terrorism" yet, but I think that is inevitable.

Really, I'm in a bit of shock thinking that terrorism has come to my home state. 

holy effing crap, rl

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