21 First Lines Meme

Apr 15, 2013 17:07

Okay, so I decided to take up jelazakazone's challenge and post the first lines of my 21 most recent postings at AO3. We'll see if I'm crap at writing first lines, or if they're actually interesting enough to make anyone want to read anything... :)

And yes, a few of these links are definitely NSFW, but the vast majority are fine.

Here we go, in order of most recently posted backward:

Merlin crossed his arms across his chest indignantly.

Arthur Pendragon lay on his childhood bed in his old apartments at Buckingham Palace and stared at the sterile whitewashed ceiling.

It was a Saturday evening tradition for Arthur and his friends; an impromptu footie game at the park and a couple of pints at the local pub.

“Ah, there you are,” Arthur drawled when the gangly boy, all knobby knees and elbows…Merlin, he reminded himself…slouched into his room.

Sometimes when he walks, I cannot but help watch the innate grace in the movement.

The temptation was almost overwhelming.

“I don’t want you to change. I want you to always be you…” Arthur had murmured, his eyes glassy and unfocused.

“I’d trust Arthur with my life,” Merlin told his friend, trying to make him understand.

They were losing.

One thing that Merlin had quickly learned about Ismere…the wind here was bitterly cold.

Merlin’s boots.

“Merlin…” Arthur’s voice was a warning.

“Stop fidgeting, Arthur.”

Merlin sat, cross legged, staring out onto the Lake of Avalon.

“What is the meaning of this?” bellowed King Uther as he stalked impatiently into Arthur’s bedroom.

“That was your magic back there, wasn’t it?” Mordred asked in a way that meant he wasn’t really asking; he knew.

Sir Mordred, the Druid knight of Camelot, hunted for Arthur like a cat might stalk its prey...his jaw set, his muscles tight and ready to pounce.

Merlin stares down at the lifeless body of Morgana, allowing the glamour of “Emrys” to fall away from him at last.

Merlin stood at attention, resplendent in his ceremonial garb and the dark blue dress cloak that Arthur had gifted him with the day he’d made the warlock his Court Sorcerer.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

Two days after Arthur had banished Uther’s ghost, he placed the Horn of Cathbad into Merlin’s hands and asked him to take care of it.

i officially have no life, meme, merlin, fan fiction

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