Post "The Disir" reaction post

Nov 03, 2012 21:03

For those of you who wish not to be spoiled before watching, I will put my reaction under a cut...

[Caution: Rant ahead!]
I cannot BELIEVE how upset I am right now with BBC/Shine. I hope to all that is holy that you guys really want a Series 6 or movies or some such bullshit and Colin Morgan goes, "Not for a million freaking dollars would I reprise that role if you guys are writing it!"

I went through something like this with my last dedicated fandom. Season 5 of Alias was the "Let's see how many characters we can royally eff up before the end of the series" season. I cringed watching episodes. I even boycotted watching several of them in the middle of the season.

As far as I'm concerned, unless BBC/Shine has a freaking miracle up their asses, I am DONE with emotional involvement in this show going forward. I will still watch, simply because Colin Morgan and Bradley James' work is too good to ignore, even with the shite they are given, but the rest of this Series is DEAD to me as Canon.

I loathe what they've done to Merlin. There may be some people who disagree, but I cannot stand how he has not learned a DAMNED thing from the last time he tried to play with Destiny. I cannot stand that he had THE MOMENT he'd waited for for TEN YEARS and threw it all away in order to let Mordred die. (How'd THAT work out for you, Merlin?!?) JFC, have you not learned by now to not listen to the damned Slash!Dragon?

And how could he NOT SEE that THIS was the freaking moment that the prophet from Episode 1 was talking about?!? Since when is Merlin this stupid? The damned bloodlust for Mordred has now doomed Arthur and Camelot and when Mordred sticks his sword into Arthur's gut, it will be Merlin's damn fault! This is so supremely unfair and has basically negated EVERYTHING we've watched the show for for the past 4+ years! So...there is no Golden Age at all? Really?

Also? The whole "Arthur's Bane" thing is pissing me off as well. Yes, Arthur could be clueless, but he wasn't this reckless before he was king (of his own volition...his freaking father used to send his only heir out on horrible missions on a weekly basis, it seems).

Certainly, Uther didn't go out on all kinds of ridiculously dangerous missions all the time. Arthur, stay home and make some freaking heirs, why don't you?

I still cannot believe that TPTB had Merlin advise Arthur AGAINST magic! This basically sealed Merlin's fate. He will NEVER be able to reveal his freaking magic now. Congratulations, got what you wanted....the magic gets to stay secret...but at what cost? Only the integrity of your main characters and the storyline....

*takes deep breath and tries to keep from hyperventilating...*

Okay, I think I'm ranted out for now...


rant, spoilers, merlin

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