Some recs, this and that...

Mar 24, 2013 11:15

There's been some amazing stuff coming out of the Merlin fandom of late that I just wanted to share some of it with you...

First, I would like to rec/pimp the lovely remix of my story One Night At The Tavern that was done as part of the Camelot Remix fest:

At The Tavern by Anonymous (at the moment...will come back and credit properly once her identity is revealed). It is a retelling from Gwaine's point of view and her Gwaine-voice is fantastic! Go read! It's awesome! :)

I have a few more faves of the ones that have been released so far, but will have to post them later...must get ready for work... (le sigh)

Also running at the moment is the Merlin Art Fest, and there have been some incredible art pieces coming out of that. If you haven't had the chance to check it out, you should...

To give you a few examples of the amazingness:

Love, Once and Future (Merlin/Arthur PG): Squeeing from the awesomeness...this was my prompt filled!

Arthur Arisen (Merlin/Arthur PG 13): Good GOD, the loveliness of this piece!

The Gentleman Barber (Merlin/Arthur NC-17): There. Are. No. Words. Just.... Unf!

There are many, MANY more fantastic pieces there besides these three.... Please go and give some love to all the lovely art!

PLEASE... this is an anonymous not link or repost the work, unless you link directly to the above posts! We want the artists to get the recognition they deserve and the right to control their work...

merlin art fest, unf!, or are you just happy to see me?, squee alert, camelot remix, oh my feels!, pimpage

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