Recap and Review of Merlin 5X03 (final part)

Oct 22, 2012 19:52

[Recap, part 3...]
The Death Song of Uther Pendragon

Recap and Review, Part 3

Leon walks off thinking, "Crazy kids these days..." while Merlin smirks, his mission of mortifying Arthur obviously accomplished.
For his part, Arthur looks for all the world like, if he didn't need Merlin's help with his homicidal father's ghost so badly, he would be pounding the cheeky bastard into next week. 

"Poetry...that's the best you could come up with?!"
"Oh, what did you want me to say?"
"I don't know...something that didn't make me sound like a lovestruck girl."

Cue the creepy music and a voyeuristic Ghost!Uther, who is sporting togs from the Darth Vader Fall Collection. (All the evil fathers are wearing it! It's all the rage!)

*Merlin's Spidey senses tingle, he whips around*
"What was that?"
"It was my father."

And, oh snap! It's on.

"Never thought the day would come when I'd be hunting my own father..."

Neither did we, Arthur, but it's pretty damned entertaining, I must admit.

"When I became king, more than anything I wanted to make him proud."

Merlin just shakes his head and you can see him almost want to cluck his tongue at him. It's obvious in this moment that Merlin sees more in Arthur than Arthur sees in himself.

"What is it?"
"You've always done what you believed to be right even if you knew your father would disapprove of it. Do you not see how different you are to him? Camelot is a better place since you became King."

Arthur looks a bit taken aback by Merlin's fervently spoken words, as he often is when Merlin is being wise.

"My father clearly doesn't think so."
"The people believe in you, Arthur. But it counts for nothing if you don't believe in yourself."

Damn! This scene just rocks. The not-even-disguised pride that rings in Merlin's voice here when he speaks of Arthur is just....unf!

And around the next corner they go. As they stand there indecisively, disturbances come from both in front of and behind them. Arthur bids Merlin to investigate the store room behind them as he checks ahead.

(And hee! Arthur is wearing the Horn on his belt like a sword!)

Merlin obediently checks out the storeroom. The disturbance turned out to be a dove, but when Merlin goes to leave, he gets barricaded in, presumably by Uther, even though we couldn't see him even after they took the ghostseeing!potion. *logic fail, moving on*

I was surprised that all Uther did to Merlin here was block his exit. After all, Merlin was the one that saved Gwen from the fire. You'd think he'd be more pissed off about that...

A hunting we will go, a hunting we will go...

(Bradley James still rocking this shirt hard!)

...until we get this "Who turned out the lights?" moment, courtesy of Uther blowing out his Death-day candle.

And then Arthur hears ominous footsteps up ahead of him, drawing ever closer.
*I feel like I should be telling this sitting around a campfire with a flashlight shining up into my face*

"Merlin, is that you?"

Uh, no.., it's not, because if it was Merlin, he would have answered you the first time, dumbass.

Yeah, Arthur seems to have realized this, too, finally.

"Father..." Arthur whispers, looking for all the world like he might piss himself.

And then Ghost Dad (isn't that a Bill Cosby movie?) walks by right behind him! Yipe!
Arthur whips around, but Ghost Dad is gone. He dumps the useless torch on the ground and unsheaths his Horn, which makes a hilarious shing! sound, as if it were a sword. Maybe the production crew only have a certain amount of sound effects to choose from but still...I'm pretty sure that Horn would not shing! coming out of its place tucked into Arthur's leather belt...

Wait...he walks around a corner from the hideous new set with the stupid looking rock walls (for rant on that, see part two of this review) ...and suddenly he's in the hallway of the throne room?!?
Can someone please explain this MASSIVE logic fail to me, please?
Merlin writers: Logic? We don't need your stinkin' logic!

Okay, then. Moving on...

The door to said Throne Room creaks open, as if in invitation. Arthur goes in and finds himself locked inside.
Really, Arthur, you should have seen that one coming!

"I know it's you, Father..."
He turns around to see...

...Ghost Dad taking up residence on Arthur's throne!
Ew! Tyrant cooties!

"Arthur! Blow the freaking horn! He's right there in front of you!" says every Merlin fan ever.

But no, we must have the obligatory dramatic discussion first...
*sighs. Now I know how Merlin must feel...dollophead!*

"Why are you doing this?"
Didn't you notice the clothing, Arthur? It's because he's eeeeevvvilllll...or at least obsessed.

"I did not spend my entire life building this kingdom just to see my own son destroy it."
Wow, Uther... tell us how you really feel about it...

"You tried to kill Guinevere..." Arthur's horror at this realization is palpable and very well played by Bradley.
"...For your own good. How can a serving girl understand what it means to be Queen?"

"Guinevere is wise and strong and I trust her more than anyone."
(except for Merlin, but we don't want to bring that up in front of Ghost Dad...might get the wrong impression...)
"And that is your weakness. You put too much trust in other people."

And the sad thing about this statement is that it is ominously prophetic.

"You and you alone must rule Camelot."
"I would rather not rule at all than rule alone!"
"Your whole life I tried to prepare you for the day when you would become king. Did you learn nothing?"

Wow, and I thought Ghost Dad's pep talk behind the Veil was bad!

"I watched you rule. I learnt that if you trust no one, you'll always live in fear. Your hatred comes from fear, not strength."
Woo hoo! Arthur, you go, gurl!

"How dare you!"
Long time coming, to be honest...

"I loved and respected you, but I have to rule the kingdom in my own way. I have to do what I believe to be right."
(Looks like Merlin's little pep talk in the hallway did wonders!)

"I will not allow you to destroy all that I built!"
Ooh, Ghost Dad is getting pissed. Watch out, Arthur!

"Then you'll have to kill me!"
(Don't tempt him, Arthur...he did just try to kill Gwen, don't forget)

"I'm not you, Father. I can't rule the way you did."
Bravo, Bradley. The hint of derisiveness, disgust, and pity you put into the last sentence was amazing...

"Camelot must come before all else...even you."
Spoken like a true fanatical tyrant. 
Tony Head hits this whole scene out of the park, even though I am upset with the OOCness of Uther. Perhaps coming back as a ghost changed him somehow? Because I just don't see a guy who died protecting his only son doing...


And, holy freaking crap Bradley!
I didn't even notice the tears or the soul-deep sadness on Arthur's face until I capped this! Genius!

*creepy slow Ghost walk*
Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap, oh crap!

Merlin is just blessed with perfect timing in this episode, isn't he? First Gwen and now Arthur?
Amazing how he didn't get there until just after the obligatory father-and-son reunion, though, eh?
"Get. Away. From him, Uther..."

And you could tell right there that this confrontation between Merlin and Uther was going to kick serious ass.

Wow, very menacing...eep!

"You've caused enough harm. You don't belong here. You must return to the other world."
That was 100% Emrys talking. I got shivers. Not even kidding.

"This is MY kingdom. You think you can drive me from it? You are nothing but a serving boy!"

Ooh, snap! Perhaps you should ask the last guy that said that to Merlin how that went for him? 
Oh yeah, you can't. 'Cause he's dead and buried under 500 tons of rock...

"I am much more than that."
Arthur isn't the only one who has grown a pair in this episode...

Which he proves a second later when Uther telekinetically throws a wooden bench at him and he stops it with magic.

"You have magic?" Pendragons are so quick on the uptake; it's amazing!

"I was born with it!"
God. God! The way Colin Morgan says this with such...I can't even describe all the emotions he gets into those five words, but they are all SPOT ON!
I love how his voice his hoarse is, his eyes swim with tears, his whole body shakes, but yet he's so defiant. Guh!

Uther is suitably horrified.
"I made you Arthur's servant!" he gasps. "You are a sorcerer!"

"Even while you were King...there was magic at the heart of Camelot..."
Well, Merlin certainly delivers that line with a certain pride and relish at having subverted all that Uther was trying to do just by being there right under his nose the whole time!

"I will not allow you and your kind to poison my kingdom!"

"You're wrong. You're wrong...about so much!"

This statement unfathomably stops Uther in his tracks.

"Arthur is a better and more worthy king than you ever were."

Again, Colin Morgan just nails this. The words are not said with spite or hatred, just sadness and pity. He looks so ethereally beautiful here. And the tears that gather in his eyes as he speaks about Arthur so reverently... which point Uther takes a complete nutter and charges Merlin,

and Merlin defends with the Camelot-tested, witch-favorite push spell (tm). Except that Merlin's push spell is so powerful, it shoves Uther right through the chamber door into God knows where.

Merlin, rather than, oh, I don't know...stopping to check whether Arthur is all right!...yanks open the chamber door, intent on finding Uther.
Also, this still makes no sense as he can't send him back to the Spirit World anyway without Arthur and the Horn (unless he can because he's Emrys, but I doubt that Merlin would know it if he could...)

Okay, you just tried to kill Arthur; you just tried to kill me... Shit just got real.


All right, how did we suddenly end up back down in the armory again? Is there some space-time continuum thing going on in Camelot we should know about?

One point twenty one gigawatts!

Also, Merlin? Are you lacking a few brain cells this evening? Or did you already forget that this was the Room of the Flying Axe? Maybe this isn't the best place for someone mortal to be when you have an enraged, insane ghost after you.

As Merlin quickly discovers.
Oh, that and apparently ghosts are crack shots with spears, because notice that they didn't hit Merlin himself...

...just his jacket under both arms to pin him to the wall. Damn, that's one sneaky ghost!

As Merlin mentally prepares himself for Ghostbusters, Part II...

Uther stalks the length of the armory brandishing a very-real sword.
"It will give me great pleasure killing you..." Uther says with equal parts bloodlust and glee.
Damn, Tony Head is totally working it!

Merlin is obviously gearing up for some serious-ass magic when...'s Arthur's turn to show up at just the right moment (it's a whole "two sides of the same coin" thing...),

which startles Ghost Dad,

and scares the piss out of Merlin because now Ghost Dad knows his secret and could let it rip at any moment, which, Merlin thinks, would lead to very bad things...

Worse than that mess up of the space-time continuum outside the Throne Room?
Yes, now shut up and watch!

But Ghost Dad is more concerned with this at the moment.

"Arthur...No! Please! Whatever I have done, I have done for Camelot."
Yeah, totally. Because trying to kill Camelot knights, Queen Guinevere, Arthur, and now Arthur's warlock protector is absolutely going to help Camelot...

"You've had your turn. Now, it's mine."

Wow! Another great acting moment from Bradley James. He killed this episode!

Ghost Dad knows he's hosed, but he's bound and determined to take Merlin down with him. 
He gets out, "Merlin has m..." before he gets ejected back to the Spirit World.

And then Merlin fans everywhere start swearing at their television screens.

Damnit, Arthur! You waited all this time to blow your stupid horn; you couldn't wait for ONE MORE SECOND?!?
So close! You were so close!

(Not to mention that Arthur probably didn't even hear what Uther was saying over the sound of the Horn...)

Ack! The crying! The angst!

The teary eyesex!

Aaaaannnndddd, it's another beautiful stock footage day in Camelot,
(Hey, at least its not that "It's always a full moon in Camelot" stock footage!)

But our boys are spending it inside in the armory.

First, what IS it with the damn armory?!? What? They figured, "We built a new set so we want it in 47 shots an episode?!?"

Second, NO mention of Gwen and if she was all right?!? I know that TPTB are all about fanwanking for the Merthurs this season (not meant as a put-down to Merthurs, just TPTB...), but at least a freaking mention of her would have been nice.

Oh, and apparently, Arthur wants to build a kingdom that's fair and just and everyone is repected regardless of rank.

"Does that include me?"

Love that Arthur had to take a moment to consider that before he answered. LOL.
"Of course."

"So...Does that mean that you're not going to hit me anymore?"
"When do I ever hit you, Merlin?"
"All the time."

"That's not hitting, Merlin...that's merely friendly slaps. It's horseplay."
(As if we were not given enough euphemisms this episode, here's two more!)

"So... Can I give you a "friendly slap"?
(Good lord,'re killing me here, killing me!)

"You can certainly try..."

Oh Arthur, it's never good to be too overconfident when Merlin's around...

Merlin picks up Arthur's gloves, which will forevermore be known as "The Gloves That Launched A Thousand Fanfics"...

...and promptly clocks Arthur round the head with them...

And waits for the fallout.

Arthur processes for a moment, and then,
"What the hell was that?"

Foreplay...I mean... (nervous gulp) horseplay!

(Ah, fanwanking knows no boundaries!)

"You know,'re doing it all wrong..."
Arthur slowly and methodically puts on TGTLATF...

...and then makes this fist.
"Why don't I show you?"
(And that? That right there? Another thousand fanfics...)

Final thoughts: Colin, Bradley and Tony acted their asses off! Holy God...were TPTB worshipping at the altar of Merthur, or what? I could have won a game of Merthur bingo or perhaps Merthur Clue: "Leon in the Armory with the Poetry..."

I'm not complaining, but we are three episodes in and Gwen and Arthur have been together in the same room for what? 2 minutes of screentime tops?

And lastly, MITHIAN next week! Woo hoo! I shipped Mithian/Arthur so hard! I know he and Gwen are "meant to be" and all that, but I really liked Mithian and she seemed to have a lot more in common with Arthur too. (Perhaps we can ship Merlin/Mithian now?)

spoilers, merlin

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