a week of sconeborough!

Aug 10, 2008 13:52

OMG! I forgot to update my LiveJournal. How much do I fail?

Sunday: SILVER ARRIVED! She came in a car! The rest of us sat around waiting for her because we got up too late to do anything. We played lame games and watched ... something, I think. Smeg got a fish tank! Everyone ended up going to bed early because we were going to the zoo in the morning.

Monday: ZOO! After dragging ourselves out of bed at 9 and switching cars a lot, I picked up Tiffy, got gas, picked up Destiny, and we all went down to the zoo, getting in around noon. Destiny had a pass which got me in free, so that was neat. We went to the jungle where the birds were awesome and my camera decided to die, so I don't have many zoo photos, but Silver does! She'll probably post some eventually. We also saw the insect pavilion, which was this awesome little room full of butterflies who were very pretty! And we stopped to eat (ice cream cones and pizza), and there were some blue penguins next to the cafeteria thing. They started FREAKING OUT for no reason - some kind of penguin war. I kept thinking I heard a screaming child, but it was just this blue penguin craning its neck and flapping its wings and squawking angrily. That amused us for a very long time.

We also saw the Desert Dome and the Aquarium, and Silver loved the long glass tunnel with sharks in it. Who doesn't? We went to the Cat Complex, and all the kitties were SO CUTE with BIG PAWS and they would EAT YOU if they could, but oh, I loved them. Sadly, since it was so hot, they were all laying around trying to find shade and panting, which made me sad. :( Poor big kitties. We saw the bear canyon and then I think we got too tired to do anything else, so we left! I dropped off Destiny and then Tiffy got a call that she had to go to work even though she'd never gotten her schedule, so that was hella lame. I think the rest of us just laid about doing nothing. I bought Smeg, who had things to do and didn't come, a big brown octopus plush.

Tuesday: I had therapy in the morning and was late because I fail. My therapist is leaving me! :( This fails. She's tired of commuting from Papillion so she's moving to a clinic in Bellevue, but she says I can still see her if I desire, and I might make the commute once a month while seeing a different therapist at Lakeside. She went over my psych evaluation with me - major depression with generalized anxiety (big surprise), a possible histrionic personality disorder with a dependence angle, and a suggestion of dysthymia but that doesn't really fit because it's more short-term and I've been depressed most of my life. I can see how I'd be histrionic - a lot of the symptoms fit me, and I'm terribly dependent. I'm seeing my drug therapist in a few weeks to see if any other antidepressants might help me out - there's nought to be done for the personality disorder as it's just a facet of me that I have to learn to deal with, but the anxiety might be better helped by a different drug.

Then we went to get Smeg FISH. We got 7 fish at PetSmart and came home to plop them in the tank. I wanted her to get a crab, but the fish weren't big enough to beat him off, I guess. She got real aquarium plants, which are kewl. Then Silver, Chesh & I went shopping at Michaels and Marshalls and Dick Blick and CD Tradepost. Phun.

Wednesday: Due to the filter not being in when the fish were, 5 of Smeg's 7 fish died overnight because of chlorine poisoning. :( 2 survived, though! A catfish named Felix and a little pretty fish that we christened Rambo because he was totally unaffected by everything. How awesome is that fish? On this day, we went ... grocery shopping! Fascinating. Then Silver, Chesh and I went to wait for Tiffy to finish getting her hair cut - it's all adorable with really cute layers - and drove down to Gretna to see this Comic Book Supermarket, which ended up being tragically lame and tiny. It's just comics! Barely any toys! We love toys. So we went to another store in Omaha, yet still didn't find anything amazing, and then I dropped Tiffy back at her car and we went home to dick around some more. We've been playing a lot of video games and we watched this movie called Shadow Of The Vampire that was tragically lame and boring despite having awesome actors in it. Oh well.

Thursday: Got up and went to pick up Destiny so we could meet Christy at the movie theatre and see the X-Files movie! Unfortunately, as we were arriving, my car decided it wasn't fixed after all and overheated, but it managed to ferry us home after the movie without failing, so that was good. Christy is leaving for New York this week to go to grad school, so we wanted to hang with her before she left. She just got back from South Dakota and got me a bumper sticker from Wall Drug along with this cute jackalope stuffed toy that Chesh later made horrifying! The movie was completely ridiculous - we were the only group in the theatre besides some bored couple, so we made fun of it and laughed a lot. I recommend it because it's very overblown and funny, inexplicably. Stay for the credits!

We then went to my house, where Christy and Destiny played a lot of Mortal Kombat (everything in that game has Ks in it, which amused me) and then Christy & Smeg had to leave (guitar lessons, school respectively), and I called Tiffy over and we went out to dinner at Thai Pepper before hitting the Family Filth Center for some filthy fun! We enjoyed ourselves there for a few hours, playing lots of skee ball and crappy games of chance before spending our tickets on utter crap, as you do. Then we went to WalMart and looked at toys for an inordinately long time. I bought a $2 bag of plastic dinosaurs for Smeg and Guess Who because we were talking about playing it and I didn't own it. Turns out we should make new cards for it, because it's REALLY EASY to win in about 5 questions. Maybe it's more fun if you're 10 and/or an idiot.

Friday: We went to another pet store because Smeg couldn't faaaaaace the shaaaaaaaame /Muse lyric of going to the other one to buy more fish to replace the dead ones. This pet store happened to have a KITTY ADOPTION SECTION and I basically spent all my time there, occasionally running across the store to drag someone over to adore the cats with me. There were adorable kittens who bitched at us and climbed the walls to grab for us with their little pawth omggggg. And a big black male kitty dubbed Jazzy fell in love with Chesh and wanted to be her cat boyfriend.

Then a woman brought in a NEW KITTY who was a 7 month old female Maine Coon named Trixie, and she was black and grey with a HUGE PLUME TAIL and BIG PAWS and POINTY EARS and yellow eyes and I got to take her out of the carrier and put her in the empty cage and she weighed like nothing because she was all long and skinny and made of tail. Then Mom came in to see the kitties and fell in love with her because she was a Maine Coon and Mom's always wanted one. Oh my god she was so cute, and after talking with the woman (appropriately named Kitty) and showing all the Scones the cat, we ended up rechristening her Eleanor and ... Mom adopted her!

Look at that faaaaaaaace. <3 We put her up in Mom and Dad's giant bathroom and she's SO CURIOUS and isn't freaked out by people at all. She's a total doll and she has a huge purr and I loves her stompy feets omgggg kitty.

Not that anything can top that, but after this, we got a ton of pizza and Chesh & I rented Dune because Smeg & Dessy are reading the novel and wanted to see it. Holy crap, it was also overblown and hilarious. I discovered that the Fatboy Slim song "Weapon Of Choice" rips off lines from this movie! Now the "walk without rhythm and you won't attract the worm" bit makes sense!

Then we went to bed. Well, Smeg took Dessy home and I spent a while looking for Kitten, who had vanished into thin air and I was worried about her.

Saturday: We got up ass-early (6:30 AM) to go to Beatrice! Dad found Kitten in Mom's closet, where she'd been trapped all night. :( MY POOR KITTEN. She probably wasn't fond of Eleanor after that. Then we had breakfast at Village Inn and drove to Beatrice. Chesh shared some Belle & Sebastian with Smeg in the car, and she enjoyed them. It rained. Um... yes. The train meet (our reason for going - Dad's a nerd) was incredibly tiny, but Chesh won the first raffle and got this weird long truck! We admired some tiny, tiny figurines - they had a little Grim Reaper, a punk rocker, a demon, and a pope, among other things - and bought tiny $2 cars. I got a ton of marbles from some guy. Then we left for an antique mall! I got more marbles and my parents bought Silver this cool tiger figurine. We hit one more antique mall that had a FREE Abraham Lincoln museum. This turned out to be a small upstairs loft full of figurines and portraits and busts of Lincoln, along with weird facts like "Lincoln's dog was named Fido!" and some random shit that he'd once maybe owned. It was completely inexplicable and pointless, but still funny. Mom & Dad bought this huge bookshelf and managed to cram it into the very back of the van. Then we drove home and were going to stop for lunch, but I fell uncomfortably asleep and when I woke up, we were in Omaha again. I immediately went to take a 6-hour nap and then went to watch some Blackadder and play some Grand Theft Auto with the scones. We all ended up going to bed around 2 AM.

And now it's Sunday again! I don't know what we're doing today. I've got to get dressed, though, and go find our new Tiny Cat (who won't be tiny for long, being a Maine Coon) for some kitty adoration - she's already roaming the house and scaring the hell out of the other cats. Chesh keeps saying she's going to be a bitchwhore and I want her to be a sweet kitty! Don't turn to the dark side, Ellie!


tiffy, depression, chesh, beatrice, friends, eleanor, parents, abraham lincoln, movies, therapy, sconecon 2008, shopping, cats, veer, antique malls, smeg, sconeborough

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