Feb 09, 2007 12:18

More songs need loud piano and bashy tambourine noises. I love them.

I have a new phone number. Because I have a new phone. It's still a Tracfone, but I guess Seymour will be going to sleep for a while unless I need him again. I am not sure if I can bring myself to send him off in this postage-paid envelope to be recycled. I probably should. Anyway, update yer phonebookz because:



Anyone who needs me/wants to talk to me/cares to hear me sing/doesn't mind being handed off to Smeg or Dessy or whoever is there/likes listening to my cats make noise/whatever, you can add that to your thingy. Seriously, if you're reading this and I know of your presence on Planet Earth, go ahead and add it/give me a ring. Leave a comment with your number so I can add you in turn.

For those times when I'm in my house, which means I'm not gonna have my cell phone on (since that just doesn't make SENSE to me, except in Destiny's case because no one at her house answers their land line), you can still reach me at:


I don't field many calls and I probably still won't after this public declaration of my number, so don't worry about not being able to reach me. As before, if you get a mumbly quiet woman, a booming man, or someone who apparently sounds a lot like me but is not me, ask for Jess (Smeg and I DO NOT sound or look alike, STFU, we are unique personages!) and they will locate me for you.

Yeah. Um... I got a new dresser yesterday. It's maple and has 5 drawers and none of them are broken (which is why I hate my current antique piece-of-crap dresser, in case you wondered), so that's good. It's also not gonna be here for a few weeks because they have to order it in. Gives me a while on my How Filthy Can Jess's Room Get Before She Goes Completely Berserk? experiment. Actually, I kind of am waiting/hoping my mom will tell me to clean it at some point, because she HATES it when I clean my room. I have a pile of CDs on the desk, a pile of clothes on the floor, lint like crazy, and random shit I've bought or gotten or taken home from school. It qualifies for Disaster in my head, but I just don't have the time or energy to clean it.

I am starting to do that thing where I get really angry and paranoid because I feel like I have too much to do at once. Let's try a to-do list!

due today:
- take quiz #4 and write discussion question #4 for American Gov't.
due Monday:
- write a poem about an encounter with an aminal.
- edit/critique the rest of the class's poetry.
- read poemz for Poetry.
due Tuesday (or before March for the latter):
- study Music textbook/website and listen to more Elvis/Beatles/whatever (the Stones >>>> the Beatles).
due Wednesday:
- cram like insanity for Wednesday's British Literature exam, which is Way Overcomplicated and No One Actually Cares that much about it.
due Thursday:
- finish "reading" Middlemarch and do the journals for Books 6-8 and the Finale.*

*I turned in half my journals last week and got them back this week with the following comment: "good work, Jess. I see you engaged in the project of reading this novel. You raise excellent questions. Keep at it. *checkmark+*" Thing is...

I'M NOT READING THE BOOK. I HAVEN'T READ IT SINCE PAGE 100. I'M MAKING SHIT UP. LAWLZ. Oh, college. Have I mentioned I hate Form & Theory passionately? At least after next week, Middlemarch and I never have to speak again.

I guess it's not that much, but I have more coming up and I'm still sick, so I don't really feel like doing anything. I need to call my insurance and switch doctors like I said I was going to do, on that note. I also need a 3rd HPV vaccine and oh, what else. I did call Jackie's office so I can see her on Tuesday afternoon and get swapped to Cymbalta.

Other than that, I've got to clean my room, reorganize the furniture (again, yes), change the bedding, get rid of some stuff, get gifts/write letters/send stuff to many people (if I owe you a knitting project or something, comment to remind me!), do laundry like crazy, do that crazy exercising thing I keep talking about, and clean... oh, hell, most of the house needs help.

Oops, I forgot I was writing this entry, because Wikipedia called me with her siren song of proletarian knowledge. I'm reading about the Habsburg Dynasty, which, if you didn't know, is something that delights me endlessly. I love family trees and genealogy to start with, and when you throw in the fact that these European rulers were all HIDEOUSLY INBRED FOR CENTURIES I MEAN SERIOUSLY SICKLY FREAKISHLY WRONGLY INBRED, it's AWESOME. It's not quite so awesome for those in question, but seriously, you can't help but be fascinated as you read about them and go, "EW."

What. The. Hell.

I don't think there's inbreedin' in my family, which is good. I wish I knew more about them, but "Zelhart" is too uncommon a name for most search engines. Alas. At least it's uncommon enough that I know I've found a relative when I come across one. Mom's family is a little more difficult, since everyone's a "Townsend." It's a nice name, though. I've thought of using Townsend as a pen name in one of my many future artistic endeavours. I just came across this totally boss plant name that would make a good nom de plume: Zelkova! So awesome. It sounds a little like an energy drink, but all the best pen names do.

Wow, it's 1:35 PM and I've been meaning to go back to bed since I awoke at 6 AM. Sod that - I'm going to take a shower.


wikipedia, classes, room, homework

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