Apr 24, 2006 23:15
God, I'm beyond tired. It doesn't really make sense, considering the fact that I turned off my alarm at 2 (PM, yeah, we've totally discussed this before) and fell asleep. Until 3:35, when I leapt out of bed, sponge-bathed really fast since there was no time for a shower, grabbed clothes and ran out the door 10 minutes with a bottled smoothie and my pills. I got to debate only about 5 minutes late, amazingly enough, but they'd already started filming the town hall meeting. I took my seat and when it was my turn, I ad-libbed and probably did a shit job, but the character I was playing really wasn't relevant to the meeting's proceedings, so I sat back and laughed at everyone else and patted my dear 'daughter' on the shoulder every once in a while to console her for her horrible ordeal (she got arrested in this beer riot - the beer riot was what the meeting was meant to be about). A lot of the kids really got into it with accents and vocal inflections and hand gestures. Two of the guys had sunglasses on and handcuffs or badges to reflect their roles as campus security/police officers. It was really pretty funny.
We got our debate grades back afterwards - I got a 90%. Wednesday we're probably talking about the meeting and writing papers on it, and next Wednesday is the final.
I got a snack, went to religion and sat trying to knit but failing because my yarn sucked. The professor walked in and started playing some chanting music on the computer, and then said that she couldn't get the keyboard to work. She went to write something on the board and turned around to fiddle with her blouse, saying, "I'm having a wardrobe malfunction!" She decided that between her broken shirt and the broken computer, it wasn't worthwhile to hold class and dismissed it 5 minutes after it started. This was supposed to be the last class meeting, too! She said she'd put her lecture on the internets for us, and the final would be online starting Saturday. Provided I print out the notes and glance at the book between now and then, I should be fine. That class was so fucking weird, because we never seemed to meet for it.
So class ended early! I came home, showered, ate dinner and visited Jack, then Smeg and I went to the grocery store. We got a piece of watermelon for Jack and some bananas, and I cut up some of both and put them in a bowl for him - he likes fruit but not meat, apparently. Weird cat. The girl cats keep slithering past us down the stairs and slinking around the floor in fear. He just lumbers about and sits behind the couch a lot. He's a major sweetheart, though, and I wuv his squeaky meows. <3
Tomorrowz, the girl who does the Stitch'n'Bitch books, Debbie Stoller, is doing a signing at this used bookstore that's south of UNO. It's practically next door to the Local Yarn Shoppe, the name of which I never get straight. So we may go on a knittin' excursion since my Tuesday class is done with.
I promised trip pictures. I'll get to that in my next entry.