yeah, I'm alive

Apr 19, 2005 09:32

So much to write about. So little time to do so. Things are overwhelming for me. All these decisions and so little time to decide them. It pretty much sucks. first interview was a week ago, it went pretty well. I had an extended stay at my house, 4 day weekend, oh yeah! It was nice to take a couple days off of school. I'll find out in about 2 weeks from now if I will be offered another interview. Additionally, I will be sending out to applications this week, one around the Valpo area, another will be in the Indianapolis area. SO, who knows...I may be moving out of the "219".

I graduate in 11 days. It feels odd...I feel so "grown up". I turn 21 in less then a month. How awesome is that?

Other then that, I am having the usual bad luck, and school is keeping my busy...luckily, I'll have lots of free time this weekend, so I can sleep in and do other exciting activities.

It never ceases to amaze me how incredibly stupid people in this town are. Living in the poorest county in Indiana has certainly opened my eyes. Yet, these nothing about it, they sit around and do meth and what not. So, this may not be the worst place ever, but I sure as heck wouldn't want to live here for the rest of my life. I am hoping my local friends will get out of here asap.

Another thing about this place, they suck at driving. The past few weeks I have been running like crazy to train for upcoming events and all that good never fails that I have almost been hit by a car everyday. Yes, I look both ways before I cross; however, people come out of no where when I am crossing the side streets, and they are going way too fast. Oh and two days ago...two rather large people were walking down the side walk, to the point at which they were both walking in the grass because they were so big...and I went around them. Anyway, they yelled at me and made some "smart remark". Something to the extent of "run Forrest run"...which probably would have been funny in like the early 90's when Forrest Gump first came out, it isn't funny now. It just shows ignorance. Especially, if they are overweight they should not be ripping on somebody who is in shape, and is taking care of their body. Of course I take it with a "grain of salt" because you have to...people are just stupid. I just don’t think it was a good idea for this mother and daughter combination to be making fun of me. Oh well...for every mile they don't run or walk, I'll run 5. And every hour they sit on the couch and eat potato chips, I will burn calories. Suck it ignorant fat people.

Hmm...what else? Girls are stupid (most), I thought so. That's all for now. Take care.
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