Just had my "there's no point in doing this" interview. It went well, I suppose. Though steve had to tell me not to tell them all "fuck you" at the beginning/end.
I called the HR representative for an update on my "offer". I'm so scared they'll call back and say, "oops! Sorry, you don't get the job after all!" I'm waiting to hear back from him.
I also called Alaska Native Medical Center since it's been about 3 weeks since the interview. Spoke with HR and found out they're just waiting on some final paperwork to go through. They'll make me an official offer by the end of this week, supposedly.
I also applied to another hospital yesterday for an inpatient position. I should hopefully hear back from them soon. I am also hoping I won't need to go through an interview with them. I'm sold on the inpatient position/offer at Providence. It sounds wonderful. The staff sounds awesome too. And the manager didn't lie to me.
Overall, I'm still scared. I shouldn't be. But I am.
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