The making of a great compilation tape...

Feb 04, 2002 08:56

You gotta kick it off with a killer, to grab attention. Then you gotta take it up a notch--but you don't wanna blow your wad. So then, you gotta c o o l it off a notch. There are a lot of rules.

Yup. I made a kick ass mix tape this weekend. Actually, it was really part deux, 'cause I made one right around Christmas time. I have no radio in my car (I need to get an antenna), and my little portable CD thingy that you plug into the cigarette lighter is acting all sketchy, so it's tapes or no tunes. Like that's even an option. So I had no other choice but to make a tape. I forgot how fun that actually is, to make a mix. I like going through all of my albums and finding just that right song. The theme of this tape was EXPOSURE. My friend really needs to hear some new stuff, and a lot of what's on this tape he'll have never heard before. Naturally, I had to copy one for myself as a backup. :)

Today, I have the ENTIRE day off. I can't even believe it. Usually, when I go in at 5am to open and I'm off by 10am, I consider that kind of a day off, but this is the real deal today. I have a long list of "To-Do's", but I honestly feel like saying fuck it, I'll do it later. I just feel like trolling out. I don't know. I'm considering seeing Monster's Ball this evening, when my friend gets off work. I promised to hang with him today. I used to be so against seeing movies with Billy Bob Thornton, but after I saw The Man Who Wasn't There, I changed my mind right away. He was absolutely brilliant in that movie. I have a bad feeling we're gonna be in a movie slump...all the wonderful movies have been out (and been seen) and now when I look up movie listings all I see is shit like Snow Dogs. Okay, okay...I'll leave Disney alone.

By the way, Strawberry Jam SO reigns supreme over grape. But you knew that already.
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