Mar 21, 2008 07:16
In the words of Mark Bergin, a writer for World magazine, "Few presidential elections in the country's history have offered front-running candidates with such glaring political weaknesses." I couldn't agree more.
Bergin refers to McCain as a "maverick" because of his departures from GOP orthodoxy, particularly his views on stem-cell research and gay marriage. Though he has won respect from the fiscal conservatives, he's struggling with the social conservatives and values voters. The GOP is split down the middle and neither side seems to be particularly thrilled that McCain is already locked in as the leading Republican candidate. What happened to Ron Paul and Huckabee?
Obama is like a sleek, but empty tuxedo. He attracts hoards of people with his dashing smile, winning personality and talent for connecting with a crowd, but his retoric is hollow. He claims to stand for "change," but change in what? He chants his slogan "Yes we can!" Yes we can ... what? His inexperience with foreign policy is also disturbing given the current situation in Iraq.
As for Clinton, if she wins I'm packing up and moving to Figi. Everything I have seen of her campaign - and pretty much everything I saw before the campaign even started - has been vicious. She's like a tiger, sharp claws extended, waiting to pounce on anyone who gets in her way. Her latest stunt was pointing out the "truths" of the YouTube video that portrayed Obama as an idiot. Or, prior to the campaign, the heinous speech claiming that pro-life supporters were vile, unthinking woman-haters. Then her ratings dropped. Her next speech was along these lines: "Dear pro-life friends, I know we disagree. But let us try to meet in the middle and find common ground ..." Of course this was not a ploy to get her ratings back up. Not at all. After all, shouldn't everyone try to find common ground with woman-haters?
Then there was the incident during Bill Clinton's presidency. He had just recently been accused of having an affair with Monica Lewinsky. ("I did not have sexual relations with that woman ..." Yeah, tell me another one.) Hillary gave a speech referring to the accusations as nothing but a pack of vicious rumors started by none other than Dr. Dobson and his hoard of evildoers at Focus on the Family. Could I ask what Focus on the Family had to do with anything? (This was definitely not a red herring to divert attention from her awkward situation and to hurt an organization that disagreed with her politically.) When, of course, the affair was officially uncovered, there was no retracted statement or apology directed to Dr. Dobson. She obviously didn't care that she had smudged his reputation. He disagreed with her politically, and "got in her way," so why shouldn't his name be covered in mud?
Dan and I were talking in the car on the way to work this morning. This election will have a major impact on the direction our nation is headed. We are already on a slippery slope. Have you noticed the U.S. is not alluded to in Revelation when John speaks of the end times? Our nation is currently a key player in world politics. Apparently in the future, we won't be. Will our economy collapse? Will we be taken over by a foreign nation? Who knows? To borrow from Steven Curtis Chapman, I'm just glad that God is God and I am not.