Oct 14, 2006 10:19
Going for a drive into the country today. We're checking out a horse store looking for a new saddle for J's horse. He's gotten taller and bigger and simply outgrown his old saddle. Time for a new one! It's a sunny day, but the air is definitely crisp fall weather.
Why is it that since my daughter moved in, she seems to drive my car much more than I do??? Hmmm. At least, she keeps it topped up with gas and oil changes. Now, if I could just get her to keep it spotless 'all the time', just the way I like it. She's in training!!! I find it's much harder to get your adult kids to listen to you, once they've lived on their own for a few years.
Twisted my ankle on Tuesday and it's been throbbing ever since. This is the same ankle I broke about 5 years ago. I've had it up on pillows as much as possible, but will have to baby it so I can return to dancing on Thursday. With my injured right shoulder and injured left ankle, sometimes I crack myself up because it seems like I'm walking like I'm from the Planet Of The Apes. God help me! I'm falling apart in my old age! hahaha At least exercise is a part of my regular routine and I almost always have a happy outlook on life. I treasure every day!!!
Do you realize that it's only 10 weeks to Christmas? I've started slowly shopping, but will have to pick up the pace as a lot of the 'gifts' are going to be homemade this year. This is by popular request. I have always done a LOT of homemade gifts, but the last few years I simply backed off because I was going through such an emotional turmoil with the divorce. Time to get my life back on track! I love Christmas and I AM looking forward to it. The bonus is that once Christmas is over, then I feel like I'm that much closer to spring and summer again. Woohoo! I'd rather live somewhere warm all year round and just go 'visit' the snowy cold places over the holidays. Yep, that'd be the life for me!!!
Hope you are all happy and have a great weekend doing something special, or doing nothing at all!!!