Sep 03, 2008 21:21

In honor of the fact that I went all apeshit and bought the New Kids On The Block album yesterday, I bring you this...

1. Did you ever end a sentence with the word "PSYCH!" I think there was a brief time around 5th grade where it was my favorite word of all time.

2. Did you ever own a Pound Puppy? I had two Pound Puppies, three Pound Purries, two books, and the VHS tape of the cartoon. In fact, I kept one of my small Pound Purries and ended up giving it to my cat, Phoebe, as a toy. She had to be put to sleep last year, but right up until the end, she used to carry that Pound Purry around in her mouth like it was her kitten.

3. Which "heavy metal" group did you like? I was never that into "heavy" metal. But I was a hair metal queen. Even now, I can say with all certainity that HAIR METAL RULES...except maybe for Dokken.

4. What was your favorite Blondie song? My dad and sister loved Blondie, so I'm pretty sure I knew every word to "Heart of Glass" before I could walk. But, in all honesty, "Rapture" was my favorite.

5. Strawberry Shortcake or Holly Hobby? I remember having a Holly Hobby sheet and pillowcase set, but I think that actually belonged to my sister first. Isn't Holly Hobby from the 70's? Regardless, I was all about Strawberry Shortcake.

6. Admit it, you owned the Strawberry Shortcake little scented dolls? You're damn right, I did. I also owned a book that taught me colors and numbers, and a sing-a-long record.

7. What are "Hammer Pants", and what is "Hammer Time?" Hammer Pants are a terrible fashion mistake that I am thankful to say I never made. And Hammer Time is the blissful state you achieve every time "U Can't Touch This" is played.

8. Fraggle Rock or the Muppets Show? Dance your cares away! Worries for another day! Let the music play! Down at Fraggle Rock! ...on a side note, a few years ago my sister bought a Fraggle Rock DVD and after watching it, we decided that someone was on a serious acid trip when they thought that shit up. Also a funny story, when my mom used to yell and me or my sister, when she was through, we would always say, "The Trash Heap has spoken. Nnnyeah." ...and we still do. HA!

9. Saturday Mornings - Smurfs or Kids Inc.? Wait. What the hell? Kids Inc. wasn't on Saturday mornings, it was on The Disney Channel every day after school. I was a huge fan, you have no idea. I had all of their tapes and I watched that show religiously. Seriously, I loved it so much that when Renee and Stacy grew up and formed Wild Orchid (a group that I am POSITIVE no one else has heard of) I bought that terrible fucking album. Although, just for the record, fuck Stacy and the horse she rode in on for growing up and turning into Fergie. BAH!

10. Did you rock the side ponytail? I didn't, but not because I didn't want to. For some god forsaken reason, my mom always made me keep my hair cut short so it wasn't long enough for the side ponytail.

11. Did you play the game MASH (Mansion, Apartment, Shelter, House)? I did. And I might still be bitter that I never grew up to marry Jon Knight. I think we would have done just fine in our little shelter, thanks for asking.

12. How many pairs of L.A. Gear did you own? I don't remember how many I had over the years, but I can tell you that my favorite were pink, purple, and white high tops with sparkly pink and purple laces. I wore them to the first day of 4th grade with my stonewashed denim skirt and my pink and purple checked blouse.

13. Tales of the Fourth Grade Nothing or Are you There God? It's Me Margaret? I have, literally, read every book that Judy Blume ever wrote. And I could never in a million years choose between any of them. They are all equally outstanding.

14. Did you ever "wax on" and "wax off"? No. But I laughed at Ralph Macchio for doing it, does that count?

15. Do you even know what I'm talking about? Unless this is some reference to a song I don't remember, I'm going to say you were talking about The Karate Kid.

16. Did you wear fluorescent clothing (Be Truthful!)? Hell yes, I did! I still do if I can incorporate the colors into my wardrobe.

17. Michael Jackson or Prince? When Prince was big in the 80's my mom said he music was "too adult" for me, but by the time he was singing "When Doves Cry" and "Seven", I was a pretty big fan. However, I'm gonna have to go with Michael Jackson because I love almost everything he's ever done.

18. Name three actors from the movie Goonies. Corey Feldman and Sean Astin are all I've got. I honestly wasn't a big Goonies fan. Wait…were both of the Corey's in that? Hell, I don't know.

19. Cabbage Patch Kids or Garbage Pail Kids? I had three cabbage patch kids, two strollers, and a WHOLE SUITCASE full of clothes. My best friend and next door neighbor, Mikey, had about five hundred Garbage Pail Kids cards. So I got the best of both worlds.

20. What lunch box did you carry to school? It was fuchsia and black with a picture of Barbie & The Rockers on it.

21. Slap bracelets? I had a couple but they weren't my favorite thing in the world or anything.

22. Hypercolor t-shirts or Jelly Shoes? Okay, so when I was born my right foot was twisted in towards the left instead of straight like it should have been. My doctor told my mom that to straighten it out, I needed to wear saddle shoes. You know, those black and white, hard leather, tie shoes that most girls in the 50's wore with poodle skirts? Yeah, needless to say, I begged and begged and begged for a pair of Jellies but my mom said they wouldn't give my feet enough support. Finally, for like my 6th or 7th birthday, my mom bought be a pair of hot pink Jellies. I wore those bitches every single day until they literally fell apart and my mom threw them away. I still miss them.

23. George Michael or Boy George? George Michael. Hands down. No questions asked. I STILL love him.

24. Friendship Pins or Friendship Bracelets? My mom did cross stitch (or needle point, whatever you want to call it) so she had a huge box with a ton of different compartments for different colored threads. Almost every night she would sit and do cross stitch and I would get to pick out whatever threads I wanted and make friendship bracelets. Ah, those were the good times.

25. Madonna or Cyndi Lauper? Madonna. That's not even hard. I love her. And I always kind of thought Cyndi Lauper was a little weird.

26. Did you wear penny loafers with a penny in them, and rolled up jeans? I did, yes. How lame was that trend?

27. What 80's movie did Julia Roberts mark her debut in (*hint* not pretty woman)? I'm honestly not sure. The first movie I remember her in was Mystic Pizza.

28. Do you know what happened to Baby Jessica? Yes. She fell in a well and her rescue was the only thing on TV for the next 20 hours.

29. What TV show did Johnny Depp get his start? 21 Jump Street! I fucking LOVED that show. My mom said it was on too late for me to watch, so I would "go to bed" and then sneak across the hall into my sister's room and watch it with her. Everyone was in that show, man. Holly Robinson. Richard Greico. All the DeLuise brothers. It was awesome!

30. Corey Haim or Corey Feldman? Corey Feldman, without question. Sadly, I have a very sick obsession with the show on A&E about them trying to mend their terribly broken friendship (read: love affair).

31. Did you own a Rubix cube, and if so, were you able to ever solve it? I still have mine, actually. My cousin knew how to take it apart and put it back together so it was solved. Right now, mine is sitting, still solved, proudly displayed on a shelf in my dining room.

32. What NFL team performed the "Superbowl Shuffle"? The Chicago Bears. And it was AWFUL!

33. Where were you when the space shuttle "Challenger" blew up? In the "Yellow Area" at Kendon Elementary School. Which was really just a common area in the school with yellow floor tiles. Anyway, they brought everyone to the yellow area so we could all see the launch. The weird thing is, I remember going to the yellow area, but I remember nothing that happened after I go there. So, I don't know if I've blocked it out because it was so traumatic or what, but I know I saw it explode.

34. Run DMC remade what group's song "Walk this Way", and performed the new take with them? Aerosmith. I loved that video!

35. Frankie says? RELAX! …and so does Jim Harbaugh. Don't ask.

36. How many Swatches did you own? Do you remember the colors? You know, I honestly don't think I ever had a Swatch Watch. But that's probably only because I never took off my New Kids watch.

37. New Coke or Classic Coke? Actually, Pepsi was the only pop that was ever in my house growing up.

38. Who was your favorite Facts of Life character? I wanted to be Jo when I grew up. And I have to know, am I the only one who remembers when George Clooney was on that show? Because, seriously, I loved him even then.

39. Prince Charles and Diana or Luke and Laura? I watched One Life To Live, not General Hospital. But I remember all the hype over Luke and Laura. I also remember watching Charles and Diana's wedding on TV. I don't think I really cared about either event.

40. Did you own an Atari? If so, what was your favorite game? Atari might still own a small part of my soul. And I was all about Super Breakout. BEST. GAME. EVER.

41. What is the "Eye of the Tiger"? It's the thrill of the fight. It's rising up to the challenge of your rivals. It's also a cheesy song that I had to play in pep band at every single basketball game all four years of high school.

42. Are you singing it in your head now? No. But that's probably only because "Hungry Like The Wolf" is currently on my WinAmp.

43. Did you think high school was going to be like Fast Times at Ridgemont High? You know, I'm still not sure I've ever seen that movie all the way through.

44. Pretty in Pink or Sixteen Candles? I honestly don't like Molly Ringwald at all. But if I had to choose, I'd probably go with Sixteen Candles.

45. What movie provided the famous line..."THEY'RE HEEEEERRRRREEE"?
Poltergeist…not that I've ever seen it. I don't do horror movies.

46. Did you wear leg warmers? Yes, but not out of the house. I stole my sister's and wore them with my Get In Shape Girl leotard, wristbands, and headband, while I danced around to my Get In Shape Girl tape with my Get In Shape Girl rhythmic gymnastics ribbon. Do not ask. If you don't remember, I'm sure as hell not explaining it.

47. Wacky Wallwalker or Stretch Armstrong? Weren't those both from the 70's?

48. Pee Wee sang "The Stars at Night...are Big and Bright!" in what famous movie? I watched Pee Wee's Playhouse every weekend, but I don't remember anything at all about the movies, so I don't know.

49. Couldn't wait for the summer for Slip and Slide? We didn't have one at my house, but the day care I went to did. It was cool, but I much preferred the clown sprinkler that we owned. It was a big clown head and you hooked it up to a hose just like any other sprinkler, but when the water was turned up high enough, it would shoot the clown's hat up into the air. The goal was to run through the big stream of water without the hat falling out of the air. It was GREAT!

50. Did you wear scrunched up socks with your Reeboks? Nope. But I wore them with my LA Gear.

51. Rainbow Bright or My Little Pony? I had one Rainbow Bright doll. I had a whole stable full of My Little Pony's, as well as their castle. You do the math.

52. Magic Johnson or Larry Bird? I'm from Michigan, people. Isaiah Thomas and Bill Lambeer.

53. We Are the World or The Greatest Love of All? I like them both equally. Which isn't really very much at all.

54. Did you say "What you talking 'bout Willis"? I think I say that more now than I ever did when I was a kid.

55. What was the hair spray of choice for girls around the nation to unreasonably tease their hair? There were three mainstays that I can remember. Rave, White Rain, and Aqua Net. Because of the short hair that I mentioned earlier, I didn't use hair spray. But I'm fairly certain my sister had stick in Aqua Net.

56. Did you own banana clips? Again with me and the short hair. My sister had them, though, and I always wanted to wear them.

57. The Cosby Show or Family Ties? I watched both of those shows religiously. And I loved them both. I still remember all the drama when Lisa Bonet left Cosby and then came back three years later.

58. Did you ever think She-Ra and He-man should have hooked up? No. I always wanted She-Ra and Cat-Ra to team up and kick He-Man's ass.

59. Barbie or Jem? Okay, so I had about two million and seven Barbies. But JEM, man! She's outrageous. Truly, truly outrageous!!

60. Do you remember going to the skating ring BEFORE inline skates? I never went to the skating rink AFTER inline skates.

61. What fast food restaurant put out the famous commercial, Where's the Beef? I know the answer is Wendy's, but that's only because I'm obsessed with I Love The 80's on VH1. I don't actually remember the commercial.

62. Did you rush home to watch the "After School Specials"? I didn't rush home, but I did watch them. Actually, my driver's ed teacher in my junior year of high school (which, keep in mind, was 1997) showed us the one about a diver played by Scott Baio who was about to get a college scholarship or gold medal or something but then he drank and drive and ended up in a wheel chair. Wow, the lessons we learned.

63. Ferris Bueller or Teen Wolf? Ferris Bueller all the way. I could watch that movie every day and not get sick of it.

64. You still have the "Eye of the Tiger" in your head, don't you? No, but that's only because "The Right Stuff" is now on my WinAmp. YAY New Kids!

65. Who ya gonna call? GHOSTBUSTERS!!!

66. Flashdance or Footloose? Footloose, for sure. I think that is an awesome, awesome movie. You can't really go wrong with Kevin Bacon.

67. Tiffany or Debbie Gibson? That stupid red-headed cunt stole my dream boyfriend, the whore. Um…yeah…Debbie Gibson.

68. What was the first video MTV played? "Video Killed The Radio Star", I'm way too young to remember that, but I know it's the right answer.

69. What was ET's favorite candy? Reese's Pieces

70. What TV show did Bruce Willis star in? Moonlighting. I, personally, didn't care about that show in the least. But my mom and sister loved it, so I ended up watching it all the time.

71. What was the name of the talking car in Knight Rider? Kit. Another answer that I know is right, despite never having watched the show. Again, blame it on my sister.

72. What song had the words "Gag me with a spoon"? Eva told me the answer to this was "Valley Girl", otherwise, I would have had no idea.

73. What character on a TV show liked to eat cats? ALF!! I freaking LOVED that show. I had the puppet that Burger King sold along with his record!

74. Name six members of the Brat Pack? Molly Ringwald, Emilio Estevez, Judd Nelson, Anthony Michael Hall, and Ally Sheedy. The Breakfast Club is seriously my favorite movie of all time. Ever. Period.

75. Duran Duran or Depeche Mode? In the 80's I would have said Duran Duran without question. But I've grown to appreciate Depeche Mode and "Songs Of Faith & Devotion" is an awesome album. So…both, I guess.

76. What group did New Order evolve from? You got me…

77. What was the name of the Bjork fronted 80's band? Bjork was in a band in the 80's?

78. Name all five New Kids on the Block. In order from oldest to youngest: Jonathan Rashleigh Knight, Daniel William Wood, Jr., Donald Edmond Wahlberg, Jordan Nathaniel Marcel Knight, and Joseph Mulrey McIntyre. …what? GET OFF ME, OKAY?!

79. What TV actress co-starred in the movie "Howard the Duck"? That would be Lea Thompson.

80. Name the 4th original member of Depeche Mode, went on to form Yaz, and then another more lasting group? …I got nothing…

81. What speed did Marty have to reach in order to activate the flux capacitor. Exactly 88 miles per hour.

82. Name Buck Rogers's pal. The first thing I typed was Trigger…but I'm pretty sure that's Roy Rogers. So, hell, I have no idea.

83. What was the name of the bartender on The Love Boat? I can honestly say that I never watched The Love Boat, so I don't know.

84. What was the name of the once Morissey-fronted band of the 80's? …this is me, giving you a blank stare.

85. Did you wear the Izod polo shirts? Dear GOD, no. I hated those things.

86. Esprit, Guess, or Forenza? The only brand my mom ever bought me was Esprit.

87. Did you think you would be killed by pop rocks and soda *be honest*? Not really, but that doesn't mean I tried it.

88. The California Raisins or Spuds McKenzie? I LOVED the California Raisins. I had their poster on my wall and everything.

89. Did you skateboard, and if so, did you make sure you had on all your Vision Streetwear on before you went out as if you were Gator Rogowski? I didn't skateboard. I tried to once, on my best friend's board, and I nearly broke my neck. So I never tried again.

90. Do you remember Max Headroom, and if so, what commercials do you remember him from? I know who he is, but I can't say I remember any of the Coke commercials he was in.

91. Did you own a Beta or VHS? As far as I know, we only ever owned a VHS.

92. Do you remember the "Baby on Board" trend? What did you think? I do, but I was pretty much a baby myself, so I don't believe I had an opinion.

93. Let's get? Physical, physical! I wanna get physical, physical!

94. What was the name of Don Johnson's character on Miami Vice? Sonny Crockett. I'm pretty sure my sister wanted to marry him.

95. Solid Gold or Dance Fever? I can't say that I ever watched either of them.

96. Halloween or Friday the 13th? Like I said earlier, I don't do horror movies. But I've seen more of the Halloween movies than I have Friday the 13th. I can tell you this much, just the MUSIC from Halloween freaks me the fuck out.

97. Beat Street or Breakin? I didn't actually see Breakin for the first time until, like, 1998. But that movie is GREAT!

98. What Irish rock group had us all singing, Sunday, Bloody Sunday? U2. Not that I care, but I know that's the answer.

99. What was the trendy term for popular music in the 80's? New Wave. Whatever, it's all rock & roll to me.
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