Writer's Block: Ewww

Aug 15, 2007 19:49

I haven't updated in a million, billion years over here. And I will probably go at least another million and half before I do so again. But I logged in to check on some of my friend's journals and saw this neat little question that is supposed to get you unstuck if you have writer's block. I don't have writer's block, really. I just spend way more time over at greatestjournal. But I figured I would answer anyway so LJ can stop harassing me every time I log in with the fact that I never update. So, here goes...

What is one food that you refuse to try? Why?

I cannot, will not, absolutely refuse to try crawfish. I'm sorry, I simply cannot condone it. They have eyes and feelers and little legs and there is no way for you to tear them off. You have to eat the whole. Whole. Do you hear me? Brains, eyes, everything. Whole. Crawfish could be the bestest most wonderful food ever invented and I would not know because they are never, ever going into my mouth. No. Yuck. Never.

In other news, check out my GJ (I'm fillemagique over there) if you want any more news.

Thank you and good night.
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