
Jan 01, 2004 03:07

Jonathan + I kissed at midnight. I felt it was oh-so-important that we did. I had a serious adrenaline rush. Probably for more than one reason.

One year I kissed Ella. (Ella, being my dog.) I typed "killed Ella" at first.
I'm tired & a little hyper.

I felt freakin' weird when 2004 first rolled in. I have no idea what hit me but it wasn't good. So I made some tea and did some things to my journal & added some pictures to my site (which I haven't done in about two months prior to tonight) and that put me in a less-weird mood.


Somehow, that seemed necessary. I've been waiting for this year for a long time. Now that it's here, I don't particularly care at the moment, but it is still probably a very good thing despite my lack of enthusiasm.

holiday, random

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