a day in the life of me :)

Sep 21, 2007 01:15

Ok, i forgot to post this up...

A few weeks ago, i got to the other school campus for my Chemistry class, and got out of my car and went to my scooter lift, fliped the switch, and nothing happened. My first response was to hit it, lol, and then i realized, it's not the motor. I was afraid that the rain had ruined it, but that wasn't true. I finally looked down where the wires were, and they looked like they had been chewed up!! They were completely snapped! I completely believed that a twisted animal that wanted a cheap thrill chewed my wires, cause it totally looked that way. Anyways, when i got home that night, after class, dad immediately fixed it and life went back to normal...Well, this tuesday, when i got to my first class, i got out of my car and walked passed my scooter, which i don't need for my first class, and noticed something off. My dad had put a tie-tie around the wires and it had broken, so i leaned down and felt and it felt like the wires had been chewed again!! I was thinking "what the fuck! What fucked up animal keeps chewing on my wires!" But, it was still working! So, after class, i head to McDonalds for lunch, and as i pull outta the place, there's a little hill you go down to get to the main road, and i pulled out a bit quick and my scooter lift hit the ground, which it's done before on speed bumps. So i get to my second class, get out and go to my scooter lift, flip the switch, aaand NOT WORKING! So, i finally realized that it WASN'T some demented animal wanting a cheap thrill by chewing electric wires! It was the bottom of my scooter lift hitting the speed bumps and that hill thingy. So, dad fixed it again, and this time he rerouted the wires so that they couldn't get hit even if I "drove through a freakin crater" as my dad said.

So, this leads us to today. Finally had my scooter back!!

Anyways, enough about the scooter...

Morgan sat next to me in class today, talked to him a bit, but then i guess i talked too much and was inturrupting his learning...and so he moved. damn it.

When i got out of my car and was getting my bookbag out, it landed on my foot, my flip-flop wearing foot. And my bookbag weighs at least 40lbs. My foot hurts now. I told Morgan about it when we talked...

BLUE OCTOBER CONCERT ON SUNDAY!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY! I was going to ask someone to go with me, but i felt like it was just best for me to go with my dad, cause i don't know anyone else i could go with. But i'm happy and excited!! Er, ok that's it. :)
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