Yeah and he's an ass for doin' that while dating ya, but the guy's groveling for forgiveness. Haven't you ever done something completely stupid you totally regretted later?
Oh, so you learn from your mistakes and never fall or fail again, huh? That makes you a lot better than most people. Mebbe you wouldn't cheat. Got no reason to think you're lying, but everyone's got a capacity to betray. X-Men 101, doll.
Can't speak for Julian, but maybe he got mixed up. In who he is, what he wants, where he's going and that adult bullshit we eventually have to deal with. Hell, he was fixin' to let his parents turn him into a norm just to make them happy, no matter what he wanted. No matter that he was being a dumbass for going along with it.
Just sayin'... he's got it all together most of the time, but the guy makes mistakes just the same.
That thing they say about Latin women's tempers would scare me if I wasn't already used to women yelling in Italian.
Look, he hurt you. I get it, cause... not completely thick-headed, ya know? But I doubt it's just a simple scenario of him wanting to bang some other chick just for the fun of it. She's not even that hot.
How long are you gonna hold a grudge against him?
Can't speak for Julian, but maybe he got mixed up. In who he is, what he wants, where he's going and that adult bullshit we eventually have to deal with. Hell, he was fixin' to let his parents turn him into a norm just to make them happy, no matter what he wanted. No matter that he was being a dumbass for going along with it.
Just sayin'... he's got it all together most of the time, but the guy makes mistakes just the same.
Look, he hurt you. I get it, cause... not completely thick-headed, ya know? But I doubt it's just a simple scenario of him wanting to bang some other chick just for the fun of it. She's not even that hot.
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