Things I like and dislike about my college course

Sep 27, 2011 17:36

Things I dislike about my college course: having to get up in the middle of the night, i.e. 7:30am. Mere words can't adequately express how very much I hate being forced to open my eyes way before my natural waking-up time, and I really do dislike it quite intensely.

Things I like about my college course: just about everything else. I can honestly say I've never felt so enthusiastic about any of the numerous things I've done at college in the past, nor been so keen to acquire knowledge. For once, I feel I'm learning about something that's important to me, and I also feel that every bit of musical knowledge and experience I acquire on the course is boosting my confidence as a musician. If only I'd had the confidence and encouragement to do something like this many years ago instead of wasting precious years of my life doing jobs I loathed and which drove me into the depths of inescapable depression. But there's no use in regretting what can't be changed, I suppose.

Things I've learned so far:
  • How to set up, compose drum-patterns and add instrumental loops on Reason, an industry-standard music composition programme. If I had it on my own computer, it would be the ideal tool for getting my own song-ideas recorded, but I'm told it costs around £200 for a legit copy. I shall have to explore less costly avenues!
  • How to play a C major scale on the piano using the correct fingering for each hand. I'm not very dextrous and I'm not convinced that I have a natural aptitude for keyboards, but I'm coping better with it than I feared I might.

I'm no great lover of modern architecture but I have to admit that this building - 'The Club', which houses Jewel & Esk College's catering and sports facilities - looks pretty impressive inside, with a great sense of drama and spaciousness.

Another view of 'The Club' at Jewel & Esk College, Edinburgh, on 27th September, 2011.

Another view of 'The Club' at Jewel & Esk College, Edinburgh, on 27th September, 2011.

On 27th September, 2011, there was the inevitable fire alarm and evacuation at Jewel & Esk College, which took place during the morning piece-break. Luckily, a) it wasn't actually snowing, and b) I wasn't sitting on the lavy with my breeks around my ankles at the time!

The sort of stuff that the Devil finds for idle hands to do: artwork seen on a traffic-light push-button at St. Mary's Street, Edinburgh, on 27th September, 2011.

Artwork seen on a traffic-light push-button at St. Mary's Street, Edinburgh, on 27th September, 2011.

Artwork seen on a traffic-light push-button at St. Mary's Street, Edinburgh, on 27th September, 2011.

edinburgh, sound production, scrapbook: 2011-09

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