Fic Recommendations List (updated 15 July 2014)

Apr 19, 2015 14:02

This is my fanfic recommendations list, for all fandoms and pairings that I read. The vast majority of it is slash, most of it is pornalicious, and a non-trivial percentage is kink and D/S (just so's you know...) In terms of fandom, it's mostly Supernatural (both canon and RPF) and Teen Wolf (mostly Sterek), but there's something for everyone on this list. Most of the links are to stuff on livejournal for SPN and AO3 for Teen Wolf. Now split up into separate linked posts because it got too long for a single entry. Proof positive that I have no life!

♥ = my most favorites; the more hearts, the more I love it
★ = added in the latest update (not necessarily a "new" fic, could be a vintage classic that I just unearthed)

SPN - Dean/Castiel

SPN - Wincest

SPN - Other

SPN RPF - Jeff/Jensen

SPN RPF - Other Pairings

Teen Wolf

Other Fandoms
(Buffy, Blood Ties, Firefly, Hawaii 5-0, Merlin, NCIS, Sherlock BBC, Slavebreakers, SGA, Star Wars (Phantom Menace), The Losers, The Mentalist, Torchwood, meta etc)



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