Fandom meme

Jan 20, 2009 13:20

1.How many fandoms do you actively participate in (reading, writing and/or commenting)?
Let's call it six: Professionals, Robin Hood, Dr Who, Torchwood, Life on Mars, Emmerdale. Maaybe Demons too... I suppose Pirates is still active too

2. How many fandoms do you lurk in?
Ooh, that's more difficult. I suppose I'm only really lurking in LoM. And then there are things like Apparitions, or various things that Lewis Collins has been in, and random other stuff like Sharpe.

3. How many fandoms have you actively participated in (include current #s)?
Depends what you mean by actively, really. I've written fic for RH, Pros, DW, Torchwood, LoM Emmerdale. I belong to fora for RH, Pros and Emmerdale. Um, that's mostly it, I think. Oh, but I've made icons for many.

4. How many fandoms have you lurked in?
Well, I suppose I should count Xena and herc somewhere, and Buffy and Angel, and Rome... I haven't written for any of those, so I'll call it lurking. And they're dormant, not dead :)

5. How many fandoms do you currently write in?
Pros only recently. But fairly recently for LoM/DW/Torchwood and Emmerdale and RH.

6. How many fandoms do you currently read in?
I'm avoiding reading because I have this PhD.

7. How many fandoms have you written in (include current #s)?
I covered this above: six.

8. How many fandoms have you read in (include current #s)?
Just Pros and RH, apart from the odd bit of Emmerdale.

9. If you write, do you write Gen, Slash, Het or a combination?
I'll write anything! Plenty of slash, plenty of gen. Het tends to involve a character played by me ;) And I'm interested in AU at the moment. Also have done crossover.

10. Do you read Gen, Slash, Het or a combination?
Mostly slash and gen.

BONUS QUESTION: Fandom that's not big enough to be a fandom? (ie I know of only two others who are interested in it and there's no fanfic around)
Roar, but I can't watch that at the moment - Heath Ledger was much too beautiful, and it upsets me seeing him so young in it.

dw, demons, writing, fanfic, tv, pirates, robin hood, professionals, xena, buffy, apparitions, fandom, torchwood, emmerdale, lewis collins

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