Sound and napkins

Sep 01, 2008 16:31

Yes, honestly. You see, I'm after some advice...

1) If you were going to record the speeches and questions at a conference you were organising, what would you use? I heard that there are mp3 players that can record sound and are decent enough for e.g. recording lectures. Mostly what I want is a record of what questions are asked and what goes on at the Round Table. Oh, and I'd really really like to create a digital sound file, not mess about with tapes. If anyone happens to have equipment that they would be willing to lend me, I'd be really grateful (or indeed if anyone has equipment and is free on 12th-13th December!), of course :)

2) Does anyone know anything about how much it might cost to get napkins printed with my conference logo (and indeed who to go to about such a thing)? This is just a random idea I had (I have a lot of these), so probably isn't too serious ;)

my conference, help, sound, advice, tech, conferences

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