Classical Adventures

Oct 19, 2007 12:08

(This post is a bit like the Farces in the Faculty I used to write, but those were from a time when I spent more time here...)

So, the first mystery of the day was what had happened to someone's Aeneid material. Turns out he looked in the wrong pigeonhole and happens to have it now. At least I found out before printing it all out again!

The second mystery is the identity of one of my supervisees. He doesn't show up on CAMCORS, and amusingly the person who should be his DoS (if the information I was given is correct) claims not to know who he is). This one remains a mystery.

The other fun thing I've been doing is visiting the Oriental Studies Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies. I still find it eerily quiet, but at least today I found a giant book of doom that I need. It dates from 1881, and measures about 2'x1'x2", and is incredibly grubby. And it has line drawings and photographs of lots of Phoenician inscriptions, but no transcriptions or commentary other than where they come from. I like my work :) (apart from the grubby hands)

Right, must find that other thing speedily...

os, books, classics, supervising, work, mysteries

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