Jul 21, 2007 19:18

Finished, finished, finished.

More considered responses later, probably after I've had time to reflect. But for now...

Harry -- I called the Aslan / Christ-figure bit. JKR's resolution was cleverer than mine, of course. I had Harry dead. But in the magical world, you can have it all.

Remus -- I hardly knew ye. Professor Lupin keeps up the 'different personality per book' average he's been scoring since PoA. In fact, we got two Remuses for the price of one here. I wish JKR had made up her mind from the outset what she actually wanted to do with him.

Wormtail -- out with not so much a bang as a squeak. No grand sacrifice. I got that one wrong, too.

Snape -- Another wrong call. Not that he was secretly good, but that he was not-so-secretly ambivalent. And redeemed only by Lily!Love. That last one was too much of a fanfic cliché for me to take seriously. My mistake because...

Nineteen Years Later -- Fucking hell. JKR obviously is a fanfic cliché whore. Was it just me, or did that add-on chapter read like a twelve-year-old's first fic? I couldn't get my head around all the second-gen recurring names. Which really made me want to vomit. Everyone either straight or dead, happy-ever-afters abounding. With all that inbreeding it's no wonder the wizarding world spawns all these mad buggers. And don't they have divorce for people who get married at 19?

What was wrong with just leaving things open-ended after the big fight? Obviously, Peter Jackson's not the only one who can royally fuck up an ending.

ETA -- I meant to say: the main ship to come out of this? Albus/Grindelwald -- it's practically canon!

But I did enjoy it all. Well, most of it, anyway.

I've been effectively offline for almost a month in an effort to avoid spoilers. Apologies for all I've missed and I'll try to catch up a tiny bit, at least on fic, before I head off to France at the start of August.
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