Title: Off
Characters: Batman, Catwoman
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 202
Disclaimer: DC owns.
Catwoman raised an eyebrow.
“What?” Batman asked, his voice a lot more jovial than usual.
Catwoman cocked her head to the side and narrowed her eyes, “You are aware that you just laughed, right?”
Batman fought his body’s insistence to do it again. He cleared his throat and spoke, “Yes,” he replied. But the overwhelming urge became too powerful, “Ha!”
“Ha! Ha! Ha!”
Selina’s perplexed expression only made him laugh more. She grabbed his arm, “You found Joker, didn’t you?”
He nodded, “He’s…ha ha…he’s in Arhkam! Ha ha!”
“Dammit, Bruce, why didn’t you tell me?”
“Cave,” he managed through the uncontrollable laughter.
“I know you have more of the antidote there. C’mon, I’ll drive.”
Batman laughed, but he shook his head no.
At any other time she would have grinned, but his face was getting more and more pale and that eerie smile…she shook her head, “You really don’t have a choice now, do you?”
Batman continued to laugh despite disliking the idea of anyone else driving the Batmobile. In his condition, though, he was forced to let Catwoman drive, but if anything happened to his car, Batman would be sure to pay Joker a late night visit to “thank” him.
Title: Unexpected
Characters: Riddler, Harley Quinn
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 203
Disclaimer: DC owns.
Harley had decided that Eddie wasn’t all that bad. He was one of the smartest people she knew-he would no doubt argue the smartest-but he was nice to her. Even though she tried not to compare him to Mr. J, she did. She couldn’t help it. And it turned out that the best thing about Eddie was that he made her laugh without making her cry. So when they ended up at his place after a late night plotting session, she actually let herself enjoy his company.
She giggled at his attempts to be suave and smooth, but when he left the room to get another round of drinks and returned he did surprise her by coming up from behind to wrap his arms around her waist. She wasn’t expecting the rush of excitement that ran through her and traveled along every inch where his body touched hers. It was…unexpected.
What was more unexpected was that Eddie didn’t instantly try anything when she didn’t pull away. So she rewarded him by reaching back and running her fingers through his hair. He snuggled closer and simply held her. In that moment, Harley felt safer than she had in a long, long time.
Title: Looking For a Fight
Characters: Catwoman, Joker
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 275
Disclaimer: DC and WB own.
AN: Pretend it's Catwoman and Joker in the icon. =)
“Oh, no, no, no, kitty. That wasn’t funny,” he combed his green hair away from his face and stood up, “Not. One. Bit.”
Catwoman shrugged as she watched Joker shake the pain away. That damn clown had cost her a lot of time and money by burning down yet another Falcone warehouse. She had finally tracked him down to this rundown apartment with the intention to make him pay for it.
“It seemed wrong you just sitting there…quietly…that lovely smile on your face. A waste, really. So, I thought I’d say hello,” she grinned, her fingers trailing along the handle of her whip.
He leaned his head to the side and watched her getting ready to fight him some more. When he said Gotham needed a better class of criminal, she is not what he had in mind. An example had to be made. He licked his lips.
“You’re not very smart, are you?” he asked raising his eyebrows. A knife made its way into his right hand as he leaned towards her conspiratorially, “That might be why he doesn’t like you,” he whispered with mock sympathy.
Catwoman narrowed her eyes, “You cost me clown. Figured I’d feel better after I used you as a scratching post.”
He took a step towards her. She took a step back. She wasn’t afraid of him, but she wasn’t stupid either. Joker didn’t have the imposing presence of others in Gotham, but she knew he was deadly.
“Wanna know a secret?” he swallowed slowly, “I’ve always wondered what it was like to skin a cat,” he stated matter-of-factly.
She grabbed her whip and knew only one of them would walk out of the dingy apartment alive.
Title: Recharged
Characters: Supergirl
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 150
Disclaimer: DC owns.
The past few weeks had been tough. The last few months, actually. Well, if she was completely honest with herself, nothing had been easy since she arrived on Earth.
Sure she found her cousin and thought she’d made a few friends, but she felt like she didn’t quite fit in still. Batman didn’t trust her, the Outsiders didn’t want to either, and the Teen Titans had simply used her. Maybe not all of them, but the one that mattered most surely had.
And yet, she didn’t let any of that get her down for too long. Especially not while she flew through the clear, blue sky high above cities and deserts and oceans, past man-made and nature created wonders alike. Everything looked so peaceful from up there that when she finally touched ground again, she always found a renewed sense of hope that she held onto and kept her going.