Title: Lost and Found
Characters: Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 531
Disclaimer: DC owns.
AN: For
10_inspirations, Prompt: Writings #10- The pain of her loss tore through her soul.
Previously… How many times had things ended between them? Then, started up again only to have it end once more? They had been together and apart too many times to try and remember, but somehow, this time it was different. She would admit that much to herself, but that was all she would admit…at first. That is until the emptiness inside, the all-consuming numbness she felt day and night, something she had not experienced in a long, long time, grew to where she couldn’t ignore it anymore.
She’d always cared about him. Since the beginning and no matter what happened, she probably would continue to do so until the end, but this wasn’t simply about him, it was about so much more. Personal tragedy forced her to learn to deal with loss very early on. Every time it happened, yes, it hurt, but she learned to ignore it. She would let the pain fade away quickly and she tried to move on. This time though, she reached a point where she didn’t know how to feel anymore. The realization hit her that feeling simply wasn’t worth it; it hurt too much.
After losing so much-practically everything she ever had-she got used to not having anything. As everyone knows, if you have nothing, you have nothing to lose. She lived like this until she saw so many with so much they didn’t deserve and decided to take that for herself. That’s when the desire to have it all consumed her and in the pursuit of wealth, she lost herself. So, she went back to the beginning. Back home. Back to where it all started and she came across him again. This time, however, he had changed as well. He was willing to give more…to take more. She found she was willing to do the same.
Reluctantly, warily, she opened herself up and exposed herself, actually believing it could work. So, when it ended, the old wound, that aching void, that had just started to heal, reopened, bringing back all the long forgotten pain and fear brought on by loss. She was now dealing with years’ worth of accumulated hurt. It wasn’t simply losing him; it was losing the hope that there was more to life than suffering, more than choosing to give yourself and having it blow up in your face. It was as though every loss-her mother, her father, her sister, her friends, her innocence, her lovers, her way-each lined up before her hurting her all over again, trying to claim her, trying to destroy her. It was more than most could bear.
She locked herself in her room. Drinking and crying and fighting old ghosts. Trying to forget, but remembering all too well.
She emerged on the third day, a plan forged in her mind. Determination and an unrivaled spirit, battered, but not defeated, urging her on. Nothing could break her because she’d been through it all and survived. She made her own peace with her past and for now it would stay back there where it belonged. And she? She would go on as she always had, by herself; once more, the cat that walked alone.