L a s t N i g h t .
... kyle and i headed over to amber's house to eat some food(chicken marinated in italian dressing, pasta, garlic bread, yummy salad with avocado for me!, too much candy) and hand out candy to kids. amber is a great cook, and a fantastic host. we arrived, and i started dishing out candy. i'm sure i probably pissed off a bunch of moms because i totally just gave the kids how ever much candy they wanted - sometimes 6 huge pieces of chocolate, or airheads. but then, i always told them to take their vitamins and brush their teeth. good deed: check!
after we ate, i helped amber put the dishes up. and then we decided to bake some cookies. amber showed me how to make really simple peanut butter cookies. a cup of peanut butter. a cup of sugar. and a tablespoon of butter. (i think.) they looked fantastic, and i took photos as we were preparing them. if amber posts them, i'll provide a link.
after the cookies were in the oven, amber and i sat down to teach me how to knit. knitting is rad. take it up, kids. it's also terribly frustrating at first. i couldn't cast on my yarn at first, and when i finally got that right, i could barely make a row of stitches. but eventually, after i got home, i practiced and have begun making something... i'm not sure what. maybe a coaster. ha! this weekend, she and i are going yard-sale-ing, and yarn shopping. that should be hot. she let me borrow those knitting needles, and that yarn, which is actually a really pretty green. but camera phones suck.
amber also let me borrow her beautiful acoustic guitar. i haven't had a chance to really sit down and play it yet. but soon.
we also attempted to take some new myspace photos for everyone. but i think jimmy(amber's boyfriend) and kyle were the only ones who got decent ones.