I need to get back into the swing of things.
I'm going to re-write Carnage and its Compliments
Lyrics dont fit the song anymore. The way we perform it(which
has been sort of free verse as of late) needs more suitable and
somewhat more "haunting" lyrics. I'm also going to be
writing something completely new. The working title
at the moment is The Mystery of Mr. Grimes. Something
that would've been used for [The Morning Lost](my old band)
I think it is time to finally bring it forth and UNLEASH THE BEAST! XD
And yes, 'tis going to tell a grand and complex tale.
Ah, I'm most likely going to be helping out our buddies in the
The Great Purge on vox.
At least, until they find a more suitable vocalist. They're a good group
of guys, and we've played many shows with them. They're death metal as well,
but more on the grind side. And they have 2 guitarists who can sweep. T.T
Btw, that's not me on vox on their myspace page. I wish I was that great.
That's the old vocalist.I have some BIG shoes to fill. X.X
But whatever, I live for challenges. 'Tis an odd fixation.
You can catch me virtually sucking with TGP April 27th at The Talent Farm.
We'll be performing with my fucking heroes in THE HEARTLAND! Whom I've shared
the stage with before back in August when I was in [TML]. "Nervous" doesn't begin to scratch the surface of my feelings and thoughts.
EDIT: Nevermind all that. They found someone more suitable. Thank heavens! XD
And for the last tidbit of info: I'm STILL crushing Mel. She broke up with Chuck.
He thinks I influenced. Which I didn't. Honestly. She made the decision. I never
told her to break up with him or even hinted at the intention. So I'm guilt-free.
Which means that I shall be runnin' mah FULL game now!
I am to see her this evening. Perhaps dinner and a movie. *Prepares* ;]