"There's only one rule that I know of, babies-God damn it, you've got to be kind."

Jun 14, 2011 21:47

I just noticed that there are 20 more people who have me friended than are on my friends list. That seems like a lot! So I decided to make an official friending post.

Feel free to introduce yourself and tell me why you might want to be pals.

What can you do with a drunken robot? )

can i kick it? (yes i can), real life is ridiculous, let me tell you internets, friending post, hello kitty transformer, i am iron man, things that are interesting, 30 percent iron chef, not suspicious merely canadian, everyone else is doing it, i am like catnip to them!, cam whore much?, yes i make a lot of lists

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Comments 13

mae_stark June 15 2011, 03:40:10 UTC

Hey. I friended you when I first got an LJ, and you probably didn't know me so well then.
I've commented on your fics, you've commented on mine.
Haha hopefully you know me?


roboticonograph June 16 2011, 23:00:52 UTC
I feel like I know of you, but I don't know if I would say I know you. Tell me a little about yourself?


mae_stark June 17 2011, 01:14:07 UTC

Haha I feel like I'm being interviewed...
Anyway, I'm Mae. I love reading and writing fanfic, and my primary and favorite fandom is Iron Man, although I also snoop around in several others, such as Thor, X-Men, Heroes, and Doctor Who.
I'm on FF and came over to LJ a few months ago after Marie Nomad encouraged me, saying that the community is much stronger over here. She was so right!
I've reviewed your fics both here and on FF.net, and your writing is some of the best I've seen.


thatperson0300 June 15 2011, 17:13:49 UTC
Hey! I love food, writing/reading fanfic (I've read your stuff, you're very talented - I've reviewed some over at FFN, so maybe you have some idea of who I am), photography, and I'm an Iron Man fan. :) I'd definitely like to get to know you more!


roboticonograph June 16 2011, 23:01:22 UTC
Yes, I've seen your reviews! Okay. Mystery solved. :)


thatperson0300 June 20 2011, 02:13:18 UTC
Heee. Awesome :)


luckytohaveher June 16 2011, 20:05:30 UTC
I endorse robot as the ultimate fandom friend.



shellystark June 19 2011, 23:31:24 UTC
I've been around a little while, think I first saw you around writersecape and naturally through the glories of IM fanfiction.

I'm a cake decorator, and for the most part love what I do and have a great fondness for my Aqua Teen Hunger Force cakes.

I'm nerdy. Complete with a love for scifi, glasses, and the occasional snorting laughter.

I'm crafty (big surprise right?)a little too crafty perhaps. Bins upon bins upon shelves and desks full of crafty...shit. And god bless my poor sweet bf for not killing me when a foam letter A became lodged in his ear canal. I take on way too many projects at one time and it only ends up making my head hurt in the end.

And then there is fanfic. I read it, I write it, I like it...but you most likely already knew that ;)

Oh, and welcome to the tumblr world


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roboticonograph June 25 2011, 16:47:52 UTC
Wow, that's quite the self-portrait! Thanks for sharing! :)


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