"There's only one rule that I know of, babies-God damn it, you've got to be kind."

Jun 14, 2011 21:47

I just noticed that there are 20 more people who have me friended than are on my friends list. That seems like a lot! So I decided to make an official friending post.

Feel free to introduce yourself and tell me why you might want to be pals.

Fun Facts About Drunken Robots

I like fashion. I like to think I have mad style. I have an impressive collection of neckties and haberdashery. My dream is to go clothes shopping with Robert Downey Jr. I realize that's not what 98% of you would do if given your choice of activities to do with that particular individual, but what can I say? I'm a special snowflake. ;)

I like food. I've written recipes that have been published in magazines, cookbooks, and even in an iTunes app. I have actual blue ribbons for my apple pie.

I like drinking. Sometimes to excess.

I like writing. Sometimes I write fanfic. (That's probably why you're here.) I don't do betas as a rule, because I make authors cry. I have very exacting standards, both when editing my stuff and editing others' stuff.

I like to draw. I like to think I'm pretty good at it.

I like to take pictures. Of myself, of skyscrapers at dawn, of kids running very fast, of thunderstorms. Of anything, really.

I'm genderqueer. If you don't know what that means, read this. Or this. Or watch this. Please do your research, it'll save us all a lot of time and energy. Questions are okay, but transphobia will not be tolerated on my journal. Full stop.

Okay. Your turn. :)

can i kick it? (yes i can), real life is ridiculous, let me tell you internets, friending post, hello kitty transformer, i am iron man, things that are interesting, 30 percent iron chef, not suspicious merely canadian, everyone else is doing it, i am like catnip to them!, cam whore much?, yes i make a lot of lists

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