(no subject)

Nov 14, 2011 04:34

It's incredible what music can do to you. By just listening to one old melody you can remember countless moments that have slipped between the cracks of time as if they were currently happening. A lot of people say change is good, but why is that? Why do we become obsessed with growing up? I understand responsibilities and settings have to change, but why do we have to reshape our hearts and souls into these bland shapes that the future tells us is necessary? It's amazing how a feeling can be recaptured by just haphazardly stumbling upon an old song that once touched you in a certain way, or once played a large or even tiny seemingly insignificant taken for granted roll in your life. Feelings that never seem to be present in the present, but looking back its almost too obvious how this incredible feeling encompassed you and who you were. I don't mean happiness or sadness, smell or sight or sound, but actual feeling. Just a presence around you of yourself and your place in the world at that very time. Riding around in my friend joe's car, going to the beach, forgetting my clothes in gym class and having to sit out, being in love, everything. It all flushes back in a rush at the playback of a few simple notes. I guess this is nostalgia, but in a way its more than that. It's like a peak at who I really was and who I really am. I can't help but feel that a lot of us are losing ourselves these days, we change and evolve, for seemingly better or worse, but we lose track of our hearts. We forget what it means to be true and honest to one's self. In reality, I hope I never grow up in these ways, I've probably already grown up too much. I wish I could revisit these moments in reality. I wish I could walk into a room of my closest friends and just yell a memory of our past out of my lungs and truly smile uninhibited and everyone could truly feel how much I so sincerely miss them. Deep inside somewhere I hope they know, and I hope they too have little flash-backs of passion like these and never forget what it means to be the same beautiful people I knew in our perfect moments together.
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