(no subject)

Aug 03, 2011 07:35

He paced around the dimly lit bedroom searching for a means to keep his mind occupied. Books lay discarded at the side of his bed in a messy pile, failed attempts. A lone lamp sit lit atop the small bookshelf who's top had become a makeshift nightstand cluttered with empty pill bottles and forgotten notes. Light seemed to be the only comfort to him in the dead silent of the night. He stared at the creases between the closed blinds over the window hoping to glimpse the first rays of morning sunlight spilling through, but only darkness sat behind them. Soon dawn would be upon the apartment of Cadyway Circle, and the sounds of chirping birds would pierce the silence of the night alerting their apartment-dwelling neighbors that morning had arrived.
The sound of something hitting hard outside his bedroom door broke his pace. He approached the door cautiously and waited for another sound. A minute passed. Then two. Was it his imagination? There was no reason for anyone else to be beyond the door as he lived alone. Another minute passed, but he wasn't satisfied. The noise had seemed too loud to be just his imagination, and cautious still he pressed his ear against the cold wooden door.
If the first sound had not been his imagination surely what he heard now was. A strange high pitched yet nearly silent clanking noise could be heard muffled through the surface of the door. He listened more intently still. The sounds didn't seem to be occurring randomly but in some sort of pattern. He took a deep breath and with sudden determination he silently turned the handle and opened the door silently.
The sound, slightly clearer without the wooden door blocking it, was still indiscernible. It seemed to be coming from the living room. He began to creep along the hallway leading from his bedroom, more cautiously still. The closer he got to the end of the hallway the clearer the noise started to become. The indiscernible high pitched clanking was starting to sound more like a melody. He creeped closer still, the entrance to the living room just a few stealthy steps ahead, and then it happened. Some miniscule joint in his leg gave out a quiet but discernible click.
It all happened at once. A flash of blue light shot through the apartment, the melody stopped replaced by one solid thud as he felt something hit hard on his head and he heard himself collapse as the bright blue light was replaced with pitch black.
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