I debated which icon to use for this post. Although it deals with medical issues, I thought I'd use something sexy.
Like most men, I like breasts. Cleavage is alright with me. Call me a fan.
Since I like knockers, I have a vested interest in making sure there are plenty of them for me to admire (yes, I am thinking about the lady at the grocery store last night - God bless America!). Breast cancer is an abomination not just for women, but
men, too. There are many things one may do to reduce the likelihood of getting breast cancer, and one of those is as simple as a proper diet.
Recent studies show that
extra virgin olive oil may help fight breast cancer.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil May Help To Combat Breast Cancer ScienceDaily (Feb. 10, 2009) - UGR News Researchers of the Catalonian Institute of Oncology (Spain) and the University of Granada (Spain) have discovered that extra virgin olive oil may help to combat breast cancer, according to a paper published in a recent issue of ‘BMC Cancer’. The scientists have confirmed the bioactivity of polyphenols (this is, natural antioxidants) present in olive oil in breast cancer cell lines. [...]
Translation: extra virgin olive oil actively fights breast cancer.
But be careful in buying olive oil;
you may not be getting what you think. Choose carefully.