Well, duh. A group of researchers at a German university did a study and that was their conclusion. What's next? A study showing that flamingos are pink?
No Sex Leads To Less Sex, Research ShowsMay 14, 2007, Spiegel Online
Feeling stressed? Taking on lots of new commitments? If you answered yes to those two questions, you may need to take a close look at your love life, according to a team of German researchers.
That sex reduces stress -- or that no sex increases stress -- is hardly a new observation. A team of German researchers, though, is arguing that sexual frustration is a complex phenomenon not to be underestimated. It can precipitate a downward spiral, pulling couples helplessly and unbeknownst into a swirling vortex of all work and no nookie. [...]
Oh this is too good...
This is "The Beer Theory of Sex"!!
Bwaaa! Ha! Beer theory of sex... Get it? The researcher's name is Beer and it is a pun like with...
Oh nevermind.
How about "
Beer is better than sex"